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Firefighter's Virgin

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“It seems sort of far down. Isn’t there a ladder?” Delilah said as she looked nervously down at the water.

“We can still take the canoe if you’d like. It’s right down the beach.”

“No, I can do this,” she said as she reached for my hand and held onto it. “You don’t let go of my hand, though. If I’m getting eaten, so are you.”

/> “Deal,” I said as I pulled her closer to me. “Ready?”


“One, two, three, go!” I yelled as we jumped into the water.

Of course, when we hit the water, we both had to let go of our hands so we could swim. I did stay right beside her as we slowly made our way over to the island. I knew the water well and was fairly confident there weren’t sharks in this area, but I kept my eyes peeled just in case.

We took our time and stopped a couple of times when Delilah flipped over onto her back to float and rest a little. She didn’t complain, though, and quickly turned back over and continued to swim toward the island.

“Man, for a girl who works out five times a week, I feel really out of shape,” she said.

“Swimming is a total body workout and uses your lungs differently than you’re used to,” I said. “Trust me, it takes a little getting used to, Delilah.”

“Del, you can call me Del,” she said as she flipped over and tried to catch her breath. “My friends call me Del.”

“Okay, then Del it is. Although, I do really like Delilah; it sounds very beautiful rolling off my tongue.”

“Do you bring a lot of girls out here? It seems a little creepy that we are swimming to a deserted island on our first date,” she laughed as we kept moving forward.

“Nope, never brought another woman here ever.”

“Wow, okay then. I’ll race you,” she said as she started to swim full force toward the beach.

I let her stay a few feet ahead of me as we made it to the beach and walked up on shore. I wasn’t really sure why I had wanted to bring Delilah to my island so badly, but I just wanted to share my secret place with her.

“This way,” I said as we walked up a path toward the main house.

The island wasn’t technically livable, but I had built a small, outdoor cabana and no one had complained. So, then I built a small house next to the cabana. I knew that someday the city would complain and there was zero ways I could keep the house secure, but it was still a fun project and I loved to come out there to relax.

“There’s a house,” she said. “Oh, no, we should go. I don’t want to get in trouble.”

“Come on, it’s fine,” I said as I grabbed her hand and we continued up the path.

“Is this your house? Wait, is this your whole island?” She stopped and pulled her hand away from me as she stood still.

“Yes and yes.”

“Oh my God. You own an island?” She shook her head back and forth and refused to move forward.

“If it’s any consolation, I actually own another much bigger one in the Caribbean,” I teased her.

“I’m going to go up to this house with you, but not because you own the island. Purely because I’m exhausted and I need to sit down. Understood?”


I couldn’t help but laugh at how serious she was. Her cute lips curled up in a smile, though, and I knew she really wanted to smile bigger. When we got close to the house, I let her walk in front of me up to the main building, and I got the best look at her ass.

I bit my lip as I tried to hold back from grabbing hold of her while her hips swayed back and forth in her string bikini. She had a body to die for. Every curve was perfection, and I wanted to let my hands run along them and explore every inch of her.

“How do you keep people from coming onto your island?” she asked as we grabbed some bottled water and fell onto the oversized couch.

“I don’t. Technically, anyone could come and hang out here and I wouldn’t know it until I showed up.”

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