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Firefighter's Virgin

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“Show me,” she whispered as her lips pressed against mine again.

Her arms wrapped tightly around me as I brought her to the standing position with me. I felt my body bulging out of my swimsuit and wanted to pull my hips away from her, but she pressed her body against my bulge. It was as if she relished the idea of making me so hard.

“This way,” I said as I finally pulled away and walked her toward the small bathroom. “It’s right there.”

“How does it work?” she asked from behind me.

“Turn this knob and the water comes out. It’s from a catchment, so it heats it up from the sun. Sometimes it’s nice and warm, it just depends how long it’s been in there, I think…” I stopped dead in my tracks as I turned around and saw she had removed her swimsuit.

“I think you should join me,” she said with a smile that controlled me.

“Yes, that’s a very good idea,” I agreed and quickly slid my trunks off and got into the shower with her.

“I’m not normally this forward,” she whispered as she pulled me into the water with her. “But I’d really like to kiss you in this shower.”

“I think that’s a great idea.”

Her lips were delicate as the water ran between us and we embraced under the warmth. It felt good to have the warm water on my body after swimming in the ocean. Even though it was plenty warm out, the ocean was still cold.

“I like your house,” she said as my hands began to explore her body.

“I’m glad I brought you, then.”

“This is the best bagel date I’ve been on,” she giggled, and I fell in total lust.

Her giggle was infectious – something out of a movie that could get men from miles away to run after her. Yet there I was, me, the broken-hearted, one-night stand guy, falling for this girl I hardly knew.


Chapter Seven


His hands were like a drug that I couldn’t refuse. I felt like an addict as I kissed him, wanting more and more.

It had been years since I’d felt a connection with a man like I was feeling with Brandon, and I just wanted to take full advantage of it. The pleasure that rushed through my body was so invigorating that I could have stayed there forever.

Our date had started out with me thinking I’d barely make it past the bagel, but somehow he enjoyed my awkward humor, and somehow I enjoyed his witty banter. We had a connection: there just was no denying it. What I had hoped would end up as a fairly decent date was turning into one of the best days I’d had in a very long time.

Although I hadn’t planned to sleep with him, the moment was all consuming and I just couldn’t stop myself as we walked into the bathroom and I slipped out of my swimsuit.

The desire to feel his naked body next to mine had driven me and there were no excuses. I just wanted him. I wasn’t concerned about the political correctness of sleeping with him on a first date; hell, I wasn’t concerned about anything except what his hands could do with my body.

The water was surprisingly warmer than I had expected. I really hadn’t known what to expect from water that had been caught from rain and warmed by the sun. We didn’t get all that much rain in California, so I thought it might be dirty or cold, but it wasn’t. Its warmth covered us as we stood in his tiny shower together.

Brandon was a complete gentleman, as much as could be expected when we were both totally naked and in a shower together. His body showed proof of how excited I made him, yet he didn’t press himself up against me or force himself in any way. Instead, I pulled him closer and gave him the permission he seemed to need. I pressed my hips against his leg and wrapped my arms around him as the water surrounded us.

“You taste amazing,” he whispered as his mouth moved down my neck and took my nipple into him. “I could kiss every inch of your body.”

“I’m covered in salt water,” I laughed.

“Salty and delicious,” he continued to kiss my body.

Self-consciousness wasn’t something I struggled too much with, but I wasn’t a confident seductress either. As he lowered himself to his knees, I quickly tried to remember the last time I’d had a waxing. Luckily, it had been only a week since my appointment, and I relaxed a little as he pressed me against the side of the shower and his lips gently touched my center.

My hands played with his hair for a moment as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of pleasure he delivered.

It was as if I had known him for months: I was so relaxed and felt at total ease with him. That was a true testimony to what a kind heart he had, or at least the kindness he had shown so far that day. I didn’t trust people quickly; normally I was cynical and not at all willing to give a man the benefit of the doubt.

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