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Billionaire's Second Chance

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I stared at him for a moment as he took me in with a slow, hungry gaze and then glanced at the driver. “Fine,” I muttered as I slipped inside of the car, looking around in shock. It had leather seats all around the back, with a colorful stereo system, and even a bar.

“Nice, isn’t it?” Austin asked as he moved in beside me with a hopeful smile. “Wealth has its perks, Rebecca. You need to enjoy them.” He moved over to the bar and poured something into two glasses before sitting beside me. “Wine?”

“I suppose that neither of us are driving.” I certainly needed the wine to even myself out, so I accepted the glass he offered and stared into his eyes for a moment. He picked something up, and I smiled as I heard the song that we considered “our song” playing over the speakers. It was one we danced to in high school. “You’re pulling out all the stops, aren’t you?” I asked him again as I lifted the glass to my lips. The wine was sharp as I tasted it, and I knew that it was an expensive bottle even with my limited knowledge.

This was Austin, after all.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Austin teased me with a smile as he lifted his glass. “A toast to you, Rebecca. To us.”

I clinked my glass against his, and we both drank the wine this time. I snuggled close to him, unable to stay away as I looked out of the windows. I noticed that we headed away from town, but there was nothing out in this direction that made sense with the way we were dressed. “Where are we going?” I asked him as I looked at him, taking in how handsome he was. “There’s nothing out this way.”

“There’s something,” he said vaguely.

The car braked and took a left turn. I gazed over at the little airport that some of the local guys used that was all but shut down. It only opened when needed, and today it looked as empty as ever, apart from a plane parked on the runway.

“The airport?” I asked.

He chuckled beside me. “I promised that I wouldn’t drive you out of town. I said nothing about flying.” Austin kissed my hair. The car slowed beside the small jet.

I looked at him, and he kissed my lips. “Only you, Austin Harris. Only you.” I closed my eyes to lose myself in his kiss. “I can’t just fly away out of town. I have a job, you know?”

“We’re not going far,” he assured me as he grinned widely. “I have a restaurant in Dallas that I’m going to take you to. We’ll come home after.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at him. “What kind of food is it? I can’t believe that you own a restaurant!”

“I invest in a lot of different things. I know how to keep my money working for me. This particular place is a French restaurant. I loved everything that I ate while I was there, so I bought it. I want you to try it, too.”

The driver opened the door on Austin’s side of the car, and he pulled me out into the cool air. I looked at the plane. It was safe to assume that it was Austin’s private jet and he kept it in good shape. I felt a shiver of excitement rush through me, even though I was not the biggest fan of Austin’s wealth and how he chose to use it.

I’d never been on a date like this and, more than likely, never would again. I might as well enjoy it. Austin led me to the plane straight away and up a small set of stairs to enter a surprisingly spacious cabin. “Oh, my God. This is beautiful,” I said in awe as I paused to look around.

“It makes all of my travel more enjoyable,” Austin agreed as he walked over to a set of four seats. He worked fast to adjust them, surprising me with a bed as he turned back to me with a wicked smile. “I can even sleep on long flights if I need to.”

“How long is this flight?” I asked him in a shaky voice, knowing what he was suggesting.

“About an hour or so. We won’t have time to sleep, but I’m guessing that we can find something else to do in that time.” He grinned suggestively. “Have you ever had sex on a plane?”

“What do you think?” I asked breathlessly as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Where’s the pilot?”

“He leaves me alone during the flight when requested. He’ll announce the landing, but otherwise, we’re all on our own.” Austin raised his eyebrow before I kissed him, overwhelmed by everything I felt in this moment. Austin pulled me against him, deepening the kiss as I moaned into his mouth. This man was everything to me right now and for always, even if I didn’t know what our future might be.

Austin lowered us to the bed and slipped his jacket off as he knelt over me.

“You’re amazing,” I whispered.

He grinned and unbuttoned his shirt.

I jumped when the plane moved. The scenery outside rushed past us. We lifted off the ground, and I saw only the light layer of clouds.

Austin laughed and slipped off his pants. He moved to kiss me and assured me that everything was going as expected. Then he kissed me again. I allowed his tongue to sweep against mine as he lifted himself to slide my dress up.

This was something. I’d barely ever been on a plane, much less had sex with someone while flying. If someone had told me that I’d be here with Austin years ago, I would have laughed at them.

He found my lace underwear and slid them down. I shivered. His fingers found my wet folds and teased my clit. His mouth moved to my neck, sucking gently. He drew my skin between his teeth.

“Austin,” I whimpered.

“I can’t destroy this dress before dinner,” he said. “So what is the best way to remove it?”

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