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He lifted his shirt to his nose and breathed in. "Abercrombie. My favorite."

"Yeah, mine, too," I mumbled a little breathless.

"Give me a chance. Come to the movies with me on Wednesday night. Just the two of us. Just as friends getting away for some fun." He pursed his lips.

"No." I picked up the beers and moved past him. "You're the kind of guy I fall for, Brody. It's not happening this summer. I'm a grown ass woman now. I need to start acting like it."

The movie stopped as everyone sat up and grumbled.

I handed out beers and turned to see Brody holding the remote. "Alright. All those in favor of Cora going to the movies with me on Wednesday just as friends say aye!"

Everyone yelled “aye,” which garnished them a look from me.

"All those opposed?" Brody smiled at me as I lifted my hand.

"Nay, and I'm the only one that matters." I shrugged and tossed him a beer. "Stop making us look silly in front of our friends and come sit down."

"What movie you guys going to see?" Emily asked.

I growled at her and dropped down on the couch.

"There's a chick flick showing, I'm sure." Brody rolled his eyes and glanced down the hall. "So, which room is Cora's?"

"Why?" I asked, sitting up as my back stiffened. What was this guy up to?

"Third on the left." Cindy laughed as I threw a pillow at her.

"If I can beat you to your bed, you're going with me." He turned and raced down the hall as I jumped up and leapt over the coffee table.

Dedra's voice rose above the laughter. "Oh shit. Look at that girl go."

Brody's laughter caused me to slow down, but only a little. I had no doubt that he was testing me more than trying to win a race to my bed. He wasn't running fast at all, but giving me the chance to tell him whether I wanted to go or not without having to say a word. That he was willing to give me an out left me not wanting one.

I jogged into my bedroom as he dove into my bed and rolled onto his back with a wicked smile on his face.

"Looks like you're going to have to hold me while I cry on Wednesday." He pulled my pillow from behind his head and rubbed it on his chest.

"Give me that." I marched into the room and reached for the pillow.

He grabbed my wrist and tugged me down on him. "I thought you liked this cologne. I was just trying to give you the opportunity to smell it all night long."

I pushed up on his chest and glared down at him playfully. The bitch I'd been able to muster up earlier was nowhere to be found, but I certainly felt her absence.

"You're dumb." I smirked and started to move off the bed.

"You don't like sensitive guys?" He tugged at my wrists, bringing me down across his chest again.

I pressed my nose to his shirt and breathed in deeply, hating myself for doing it. "Nope. I only date assholes. You didn't get the hint?"

He chuckled and brushed my hair behind my ear as I moved back up. "You're so beautiful. Not throw you in the bed and fuck you all night hot, but a pretty girl, nevertheless."

"You dick." I swatted at him and climbed out of the bed. "Get up. I don't want you or anyone else getting ideas."

"Well, you're three days too late at this point. I've had loads of ideas since meeting you that first night." He moved to sit on the side of my bed. "It smells good in here. Like apple pie and lust."

"Get out." I picked up my pillow and swatted him with it. "Clay?"

"Coming!" I could hear him from down the hall.

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