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I jogged down into the woods beside me and didn't stop until my legs gave out just before reaching my house. Pressing my back to a large pine tree, I looked up at the starless sky, wondering what the fuck I was doing.

There was so little I loved about my life, and yet I was the only one able to change it.

"That's it. No more whoring around until after Christmas. Twenty-five days. No sex unless I find the girl I want in my life and not just my bed."

I pressed my hands to my face and let out a long breath. I'd been with four to five different girls a week. Not sleeping with someone for twenty-five days was a little harsh, but something had to give. I couldn't keep living the way I was. I needed a change. Something to shake up my world and set me on the right course.

I needed a good woman. The right woman.

"Easier to find the abominable snowman out here," I grumbled and jogged across the street toward the house.

Chapter 5


There were several things I'd learned while staying in Aspen over the last week. Firstly, my father seemed to be a complete man whore that had a new date every night of the week. I was surprised more by his nonchalant attitude about it when I finally brought it up on a morning at the breakfast table.

"So, you're dating."

He glanced up from the paper and sat his coffee down. "I am. Why?"

"I don't know. Just seems weird." I shrugged.

"Am I supposed to be alone forever?" His eyebrow lifted sharply. He was a handsome man, his salt and pepper hair leaving him looking distinguished and important. He was built like a basketball player, strong and tall with taunt muscles and a healthy complexion.

"No, Dad. I've just seen you with five women over this last week. I'm just a little surprised."

"I'm not willing to commit to anyone until I find the right woman. It's simple, really." He picked his paper back up.

"Right, but are you just taking them to dinner?"

"None of your business." He ignored me and turned a little, making sure I knew that the conversation was officially over.

I picked up my plate and walked to the sink, unable to help myself from making one final rema


"I'm just saying that if some guy was trying me on for size with a one night stand, you'd be pissed." I walked back to my brother's room, hoping to find him awake, but willing to raise the dead if not.

The second thing I learned was that my little brother was capable of growing tall and muscular on nothing more than Cheez-Its and gummy worms. He hated me for it, but I'd been cooking over the last week and had forced him to eat a square meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Other than hanging out and playing video games, the week had been spent drawing new designs and Skyping with Jessie. After ignoring Seth for a few days, he got the hint and stopped trying to communicate with me. Part of me missed having someone who wanted to spend time with me and seemed genuinely interested in my day, but it was all a ruse. Seth wanted a blonde robot that moaned when he said moan and sat quietly most of the rest of the time.

We'd been in more fights about his caveman mannerisms than I had time to analyze.

I knocked on Parker's door and smiled at the deep grunt I got.

"I'll assume that's a 'come on in,'" I said as I walked in and pressed my fingers to my nose. "It smells like sweaty balls in here."

He chuckled and snorted before throwing a pillow at me. "Then, get the fuck out! It's like ten in the morning. The sun's not even out."

"That's because we're in the middle of a winter vortex. This sucky-ass place you and Dad stay at every Christmas has to go. Let's start a new tradition. We could go to the Bahamas or Miami. Somewhere warm." I plopped down in a chair next to Parker's bed and tugged a remote from underneath me.

"Christmas isn't supposed to be warm. What's the matter with you?" He sat up, his brown hair a wild mess. "You grow up and all the fun gets sucked right out of you. Tell me what age it happens at, so I can be on the lookout. I refuse to give up on being a kid."

"I'm still a kid, too." I threw a dirty sock at him, smacking him in the face with it.

He chucked it back and flopped back down. "Not even close. You fixed broccoli and Brussel sprouts this week. Definitely adult food."

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