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Mated to the Fire Dragon (Elemental Mates 4)

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Alyx made a muffled sound against his hand. Embarrassed, he released her.

“Thank you,” she said pointedly. “And I still don't believe you.”

“It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Neither of us wants to run into Steele right now. That makes us allies.”

She snorted, then frowned. “I guess. For now. Only as long as you're useful. And not a second longer.”

“That's a start.”

She gave him a fierce smile. Despite her dirty shirt and her disheveled hair, Braeden felt his heart beating rapidly.

She didn't look like the Lady of the Fire right now. She wasn't wearing silk or pearls or gold. She didn't even know that he was her mate yet.

But there, in the gleaming of her eyes and the way she'd stood straight and determined despite the way his own people had imprisoned her, he could feel the sparks of fire inside her.

She'd be glorious, his mate. She'd rule like a queen—except he owned nothing to rule over.

He had no gold, no rubies, no land.

But he had his heart, which would always belong to her. And he had the living flame in his soul, the element of fire itself.

Surely that would be enough to prove himself a worthy mate.

“Anyway. I know where we are.” She gave him another suspicious look. “Are you sure you don't?”

“I told you. I'm not from here. I'm a fire dragon shifter—but not one of them.”

She looked at him, her eyes narrowing. “I don't trust you. Remember that. But I guess you could have just handed me right over...”

Braeden nodded. He had no idea what to say to make her trust him.

I guess the only way is to show that I'm really on her side. By getting us both out of here.

“Okay,” Alyx then said, hands on her hips. “If we go down this tunnel, we'll get to Lady Zena's quarters.”

“Who's that? Another prisoner?”

Alyx hesitated a moment, then shook her head. “She's... not a friend. Not exactly. She works for them. I think because she has to. And we should avoid her, if we can. But in case anything happens...”

“Do you think she'd hide you?”

Alyx shrugged. “I'd be dead without her. She asked the fire dragons to give me to her. As a servant. I think she was lonely. But would she hide me... I don't know. Maybe. But she's the closest thing to an ally I had in here.”

There was the sudden sound of wings, and Braeden hastily pushed Alyx into an alcove.

A moment later, the sound grew softer. Whoever had flown past the tunnel hadn't landed, but moved on.

“We shouldn't stay here. Perhaps we can find an empty room,” he whispered.

Instinct made him reach out for her hand again—and this time, he could see the shock that went through her when they touched.

Her eyes slightly widened, her lips parting. Just for a heartbeat, he could see her gorgeous brown eyes reflect the flames in his own soul.

Then she pulled her hand from his, cradling it against her chest as she glared at him. “None of your fire dragon magic. Your friends already tried all of your poisons. It doesn't work on me, so save yourself the trouble.”

“Poison?” Braeden asked, then shook his head when he felt another dragon coming closer. It was a sensation like a tiny ball of heat approaching. With his new powers, he could sense it even without intentionally reaching out for it.

“Never mind. Quick!” He grabbed her hand again and pulled her deeper into the tunnel.

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