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Mated to the Fire Dragon (Elemental Mates 4)

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Alyx leaned against Braeden, reassured by the warm glow of the mate bond in her heart. “I guess we avoided that fate.”

Jared chuckled, reaching out to cuff Braeden's shoulder. “Never thought I'd say that about a fire dragon, but I'm really glad. I would have hated to lose you. Especially now, when it looks like we really need you.”

“I'll do what I can,” Braeden said. “As soon as the chimera figures out how to deal with Steele.”

“Well, once you've done that, my invitation stands. Naomi would love visitors, I'm sure. She's so far along that they're avoiding most travel now. Especially with the fire dragons around.”

“So much left to see.” Alyx could feel some of the old excitement burn inside her.

That’s why she was so good at her job. She'd always loved to explore. Fashion, new trends, new restaurants... and now, an entire new world.

New shifter towns. New friends, perhaps. And there was still Cara’s offer to connect her with her swan shifter designer friend...

“I'm looking forward to it,” she told Jared earnestly. “And I'd love to visit your home.”

“It's a great place for a griffin.” Jared looked at Ginny, then smiled and added, “a great place for any shifter, really. I've had the happiest childhood you can imagine, playing hide and seek in the hills and valleys, flying among the rocky mountaintops, swimming in the lake... I've never missed my family. Because I had a family. Still, I wonder...”

He was silent for a moment, then shook his head. “It doesn't matter. I'd love to know where I come from—but I've got all I need. The storm dragon is as good as a brother to me. I've got a home, I've got friends—and I've got a lot of work to keep me busy.”

“Especially right now,” Braeden said. “If I don’t take out Steele...”

He left the sentence unfinished, but Alyx knew what he meant.

There was more than just their own happiness at risk.

What would happen if the fire dragons targeted humans, instead of just the elemental dragons?

“Have more cake,” Ginny said, determined. “And give the chimera time to fix this. He’s been brooding over his books and scrolls ever since he first saw Steele. He’s on to something. I know he is. No one knows as much as the chimera.”

Alyx gave Ginny a grateful smile.

They weren’t alone. They were all in this together.

And she wouldn’t allow Steele to take her mate from her. Not now, when she’d only just found him.

Not ever.

Chapter Eighteen: Braeden

It took a day until the chimera resurfaced.

Jared arrived in the council chamber at the same time as Braeden and Alyx did. The large cave was lit once again by the eerie light coming from the symbols decorating the plinths.

Braeden looked at the large seat of stone, on which the symbol of fire was slowly pulsating. Even now, he could feel Steele's darkness inside him.

He hadn't heard Steele's voice since he and Alyx had mated—which was good. And perhaps now, with the light of the mate bond so strong inside him, it was impossible for Steele to influence him in such a way.

Still, he didn't like the sensation of what felt like a living shadow inside his chest. He wanted Steele gone, once and for all.

As if on command, the lights in the cave flickered. Shadows began to move at the back of the cave. The sensation of old power made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

The chimera had arrived.

“Dragon of Fire, welcome,” the familiar voice boomed.

Braeden sent encouragement through the bond, and Alyx nodded at him. They'd get through this and what was to come together.

He knew that Alyx hated the thought of him taking on Steele on his own—but what other choice was there?

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