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The Fling (Playboy Pact 2)

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He bit his lip, and Haven bumped into his shoulder with hers.

Haiden shrugged. “I guess that would be cool.”

“You mean that?”

“Yeah, it would be really cool to have another man in the house.”

“You know, us men, we need to stick together.”

He nodded. “When are you going to ask her?”

“Tomorrow on her birthday.”

“Yesssss! Can we help?!” Haven put her hands together in a prayer gesture. “Please, Ashton! Please! I’ll be a good girl.”

“You’re always a good girl, and I’d love for you to help me.”

“Yay! Haiden will help too! We will all ask Mama together!”

“Okay, now the fun part.”

“What’s that?” she asked.

I set my elbows on the kitchen island, wiggling my eyebrows. “We come up with a plan.”


I rolled over and found myself alone. “Ashton,” I called out, sitting up as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

There was a note on his pillow in Ashton’s handwriting that read: Roses are red, violets are blue, happy birthday, sleeping mama, your men and baby girl are downstairs waiting for you.

I smirked, throwing the covers off my body to go brush my teeth. Once I was done with my morning routine, I went downstairs. From the first step I took, I could smell the bacon in the air.

As soon as I walked into the kitchen, my mouth dropped open. There was a whole spread of food on the table.





You name it, and it was there.

“Mama,” Haven declared. “We have something to ask you.”

My stare shifted toward her voice on the other end of the kitchen, and within one second, I lost my breath and all the air from my lungs.

Haiden was standing beside her. They were both holding signs they’d obviously made.

Haven’s said: Will.

Haiden’s said: You.

Ashton was on one knee, and his sign said; Marry me?

“Oh my God,” I rasped, shocked by the turn in events.

He included my kids on his proposal! I started to cry. There was no holding back the tears that were suddenly flowing out of my eyes and down the sides of my face.

“Of course! Of course, I’ll marry you!”

“Yay!” the twins celebrated, jumping up and down.

In two long strides, Ashton was standing in front of me with the shiniest diamond I’d ever seen. I jumped into his arms, and he picked me up off the ground.

“I’ve loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you.”

“Dimples, I love you too.”

We kissed like the twins weren’t in the room with us. Pecking my lips softly, he uttered the most swoon-worthy words I had ever heard…

“I want you to be my baby mama.”



“I had a bad day.”

“Don't worry, baby mama, I'll throw you the dick.”

“Oh, really?”

“You look like you need a good dicking. Let me take you for a ride.”

“I could go for a ride.”

“In my car or on my dick?” He stuck out his tongue.

“What are you doing?”

“Showing you what you’ll be riding later.”


He played coy. “What?”

Several things had changed in the last year. We had gotten married, Ashton adopted the twins, and we all carried his last name.

Oh, and the biggest change. I was pregnant.

With twins.

“I’m going to get so fat.”

He grabbed my ass. “More for me to love on.”

“How can we be having twins?”

“You can thank your bloodline for that.”

“It’s supposed to skip a generation. I don’t understand.”

“My sperm had other plans.”

“Your sperm doesn’t determine twins, Ashton.”

“Why can’t you just let a man dream?”

I giggled, throwing my arms around his neck. We’d just found out about the twins yesterday. Haven was ecstatic—she wanted sisters, not another dumb brother. Her words, not mine. Haiden wanted brothers—not another sissy sister. Again, his words, not mine.

The boys laughed their asses off for at least twenty minutes straight when Ashton told them over the phone. We were actually on our way to meet them for dinner. Cain was in town. He said he had something to tell us.

“I feel like I just started sleeping again, and one baby would have been a breeze.”

“You have me this time around. I’ll help with everything I can, but I don’t have tits, babe. You’re on your own with the breastfeeding.”

“I didn’t breastfeed with Haiden and Haven. I didn’t make enough milk to fill them.”

He placed his face in between my breasts; my lace shirt made it easy to kiss my cleavage. “Is that why they’re so fucking perfect?”

“They’re about to get huge.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Ashton, I’m going to get huge.”

“I can’t wait.”

“You’re not going to be saying that when I don’t have ankles.”

“Ankles are overrated anyway.”

He kissed my lips, beckoning me to open them for him. When I finally did, he groaned into my mouth, and I smiled against his.

We loved each other just too damn much.

Feeling him.

Needing him.

Loving him.

He consumed me.

My family.

“We’d better go before you get carried away.”

“I already knocked you up with twins, sweetness. I think we’re long past that now.”

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