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Malcolm (Henchmen MC Next Generation 2)

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"It's very important to exercise your pelvic floor, you know," she went on, enjoying herself.

"I don't want to hear about your pelvic floor, Billie," Fallon insisted. "And no one has seen your eggs."

"Has anyone looked, though? I had to have left them here."

"Left what here?" Rowe asked, coming in from cleaning up the prospect quarters.

"Oh, Christ," Fallon mumbled under his breath.

"This place is better than the movies," Dezi declared, grinning from his position perched on top of the bar with a bottle of whiskey.

"My pussy eggs," Billie declared, making Rowe actually jerk back at her bluntness. "I was demonstrating how important—"

"You were demonstrating?" Fallon grumbled, looking a little green.

"Well, not demonstrating. I mean, I totally would have. But not everyone is as—"

"Shameless?" Fallon supplied.

"I prefer liberated," Billie said. "But you're right, I have no shame about my body."

"Nothing to be ashamed of there," Dezi mumbled under his breath, just low enough that he saved himself a look from Fallon.

"But have you seen them?" Billie asked, looking at Rowe.

"Your pussy eggs?" Rowe repeated, sounding a bit choked at the words. "Would they be the pink things in the padded box?" he asked.

"Rose quartz. For love. Self-love, in this case. But yes. That's them. Can I have them back?"

"For the love of God, give them back to her, so she leaves," Fallon said, looking exhausted from the interaction with her.

"Interesting family you've got here," Cary said, drawing my attention back to him. "Figure you all will keep me on my toes."

"Oh, my," Billie said, gaze landing on Cary. "Well, now. Wouldn't you be just my type if I had some daddy issues? You're smoking hot," she told him in the kind of matter-of-fact, throwaway way that Billie could compliment men. With no actual attraction attached to it, just a stating of what she thought was fact.

"And he's going to be a brother soon, so stop hitting on him," Fallon insisted.

"That wasn't hitting on him. Believe me, if I was hitting on him, you would know it," Billie said.

"Hitting on who?" Cash, our uncle and my club brother, asked, walking in from the garage. I'd been so distracted by Billie that I hadn't even heard his bike roll up.

"Hot daddy over there," Billie declared. "But I wasn't hitting on him."

"Good. Because I'd hate to have to kill him," Cash declared, pressing a kiss to the side of Billie's head as he moved past. "Is no one else here yet?"

"Dad said he's running late," Fallon declared.

"Here," Rowe said, coming back from fetching Billie's box.

"Do not ask what is in the box," Fallon demanded to his uncle.

Cash's gaze moved around the club before shrugging. "Yeah, probably good advice for anything that has a Phallus-ophy sticker on the side of it," Cash declared, naming the local adult toy store which was owned by Billie's aunt.

"Thanks," Billie said, surprising me by avoiding eye contact with Rowe, someone she usually tried to get the attention of whenever possible. "Alright. I will leave you to your super secret boys club meeting. Uncle Cash," she called. "Tell Chris we would love to see her at girls night sometime. She works too much."

"I've tried to convince her to model herself after my slacker example, but she's all her mother in that department," Cash declared. "But I'll tell her."

"You," she said, stopping in front of Fallon, reaching up to straighten his cut. "You need to loosen up. Are you not getting laid enough? It's important to al—"

"Yeah, not talking about my sex life with you, Billie," Fallon said, opening the door to her in a none too subtle move.

"Or complete lack thereof," Billie shot back before moving outside.

"I need a drink," Fallon declared, moving behind the bar as a chorus of bikes made their way down the street.

It was a sound that never used to phase us. Until the Vultures moved into town, making it impossible to tell if it was our brothers or our rivals coming in our direction. So we all stiffened until we heard them pull up and park outside, and heard the chorus of familiar voices as they made their way inside.

"Fallon's drinking," Sugar declared. "Was my daughter just here?" he asked, smirking.

"Don't ask," Fallon said, taking a shot.

To that, Sugar let out a chuckle as he moved to sit down in the space Hope had vacated before. "Any idea what's on the docket for tonight?" he asked. "Aside from them," he added, waving at the new prospects.

"What it's always about," Fallon grumbled. "That woman."

"What woman is that?" Dezi asked. "One that isn't related to the club for a change, I hope."

"She's not related," Cash confirmed.

"But you can't fuck her anyway," Fallon added.

"And we're going to pretend he's saying that just because she's a rival," Seth said, one of the few of us who pushed Fallon's buttons. "And not for any other possible reason," he added, smirking.

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