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Bad Virgin

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“Only if I get to have you for dessert.” He grabbed me around the waist and pressed his lips to my neck.

“Me? I thought you would want cake...” I teased him slightly before I gasped from the feeling of his lips on my neck.

“Some Bethany cake, for sure.” His hand moved below my waist and locked onto my inner thigh.

“Stop, I don’t want the food to get cold.” I pulled away, but my body was already heating up from his touch.

We went back downstairs and I served him spaghetti, heaping a giant portion on his plate until he finally stopped me. My father had some imported beer that I wasn’t fond of, but Anton didn’t seem to mind. I decided to stick with water. We sat down and started to eat, which really showcased the difference in the way we were raised. I swirled my fork against my spoon until the noodles were perfectly wrapped while he just tossed clumps of them into his mouth and slurped until the noodles disappeared. I cut my meatballs into fours while he put the whole thing in his mouth and chewed until he could swallow it. He even tossed a generous portion of spaghetti on his garlic bread and bit into it like it was some sort of half-sandwich. At least he didn’t hate my cooking. That was a plus, even if he did eat like a Neanderthal. When we were done eating, he was clearly stuffed and decided to drink another beer before he left the table.

“I could get used to this.” He stifled a burp.

“Maybe next time you can cook?” I raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“Um.” He looked around the kitchen. “I don’t see a deep fryer or a barbecue grill in here, so I don’t think I’m going to get very far. I could burn something in a skillet, maybe.”

“Okay, I’ll handle the food.” I laughed and sipped my water. “Oh, I talked to your brother before I left school.”

“You did?” I could see Anton’s face tense up.

“Yeah, I think he’s ready to talk. He asked me to tell you that he wants you to come by on Sunday.” I smiled and nodded. “He knew you were at school today.”

“Fuck...” Anton’s eyebrows came together with concern. “He probably wants to tell me not to ever come back—hell, he might have the cops waiting for me when I get to his house.”

“I don’t think so.” I shook my head back and forth. “I think he really does want to talk.”

“I hope so...” He sighed as he contemplated the words. “I really do.”

“So...” I grinned and bit down on my lip. “What now?”

“I think I’m ready for dessert.” He finished his beer and reached out to take my hand.

Our lips were pressed together before we even got up the stairs and our clothes dotted the path we took to get there. He scooped me up once we were naked and carried me down the hallway in his arms. When we got to my bedroom he tossed me on the bed and climbed on top of me, his lips quickly finding mine again. I was wet before his cock even pressed against my pussy, just from the fire of his kiss. My legs spread further apart as he sank between my thighs and started to enter me. He had to pull back and push his cock into me several times before he was all the way in, but once he was, his lips started to kiss my neck while his hands moved across my body. I had been without him so long that I thought I was going to cum before he got much motion going. His dick teased my g-spot bouncing against it as he picked up momentum. My hands traced his abdominal muscles as they flexed with every thrust.

“This week has been torture.” He leaned over further and kissed my ear. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I missed you too—and I really missed this.” I moaned as he went deep again, pushing his cock against my g-spot.

I was in his arms where I belonged—beneath the the thunder of his hips where I wanted to be. He started to pick up the momentum, sending me into a world of bliss with his thrusts. My body was on fire from his touch and even when his cock wasn’t sending me into a spiral of pleasure, his lips were teasing my flesh and keeping the spark ignited. The pressure started to build inside me and I could tell that it wasn’t going to take long to orgasm. My body had been without him too long to stop it from accelerating towards the release it craved so bad. He leaned back onto his knees and squeezed my breasts while he continued to drive the entirety of his length into me. His cock pulsated with his lust, building into a frenzy as he hammered my pussy with the ferocity of his desires. His hands moved from my breasts to my hips and gripped them, holding them tightly in place as he made the bed shake with every thrust.

“This feels so good.” His words came out in a grunt that resonated from his throat.

“So good that I’m gonna cum!” My hands reached out and squeezed the bedspread as I felt my body starting to ignite with an orgasm.

My muscles tensed up and remained tight while he kept the steady thunder of thrusts moving my bed so much that the headboard was slamming into the wall and the picture frames were rattling on the wall. I stayed suspended in the moment of pleasure and bliss for almost a full minute before I felt my muscles start to relax. My body surged with excitement as my orgasm was released. It felt like a wave of pleasure rolling through my body while my pussy spasmed on his cock. I could feel him throbbing from the sensation, but he wasn’t as close as I was. He continued hammering himself into me while I erupted in the throes of my passion. When my body finally relaxed from the first orgasm I felt the fire start to ignite again. His cock was still steadily slamming into my g-spot, which made the second orgasm build even faster than the first. The added lubrication from my orgasm made his movements even faster, heightening the pleasure I was feeling while the pressure built inside of me.

“I’m gonna cum again!” I pulled a hand across my mouth and bit down.

“Let it out.” He pushed my hand away. “We’re the only ones here.”

“Oh god!” A scream lifted from my throat as the second orgasm began.

Hearing my scream seemed to make his excitement grow. His moans turned into grunts and then he was barely making any sound at all except for gasps of air rushing from deep within him. His muscles tightened up and I felt the surge of cum moving through his shaft. He roared with pleasure and then started to unload inside of me. It was like a volcanic eruption of lust filling me while my orgasm matched his fury. The bed shook even more as the scent of our lust filled the air. He slammed his cock in deep and continued ejaculating, releasing the last of his seed inside me before he finally started to relax. My muscles stopped spasming once his release was done and my orgasm was complete. I felt exhausted, barely able to move from the tingling that surged through my whole body. He sank down beside me in the bed and I forced an eye open to look over at him. There were beads of sweat formed on his brow and a few along the top of his chest. I moved closer and he wrapped me in his arms, pulling me tight against his chest.

“The best part of this,” I pressed my lips to his chest, “is that we can stay right here the entire night.”

“Good.” He nodded. “Because I’m not finished with you—this is just an intermission.”

Chapter 19: Anton

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