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It's Only You

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“Oh, sweetheart. You can’t base every man on how Travis behaved. I never liked him. Always putting on airs.”

Her grandmother had always said there was something about Travis that didn’t ring true, and Simona wished she had listened.

“From what Eve told me, it doesn’t sound like this young man is the same.”

Eve talks too much. “No, he isn’t.”

“Well, it won’t hurt to spend some time with him.”


“You have a good head on your shoulders, so it’ll be all right. How’s my great-granddaughter? I saw the beautiful pictures. She looks just like her mama at that age.”

“She’s growing so fast. And yes, she does.”

“Have you talked to your mother?”

“Not since she called to tell me she was going to Cancun with Roy, or Rob, or whoever it is this time.”

Frances sighed heavily. “I wish she would just settle down with one man. She’s getting too old for this nonsense.”

Simona chuckled. Since her parents’ divorce fifteen years ago, her mother changed men almost as often as she changed her clothes. “Hopefully he’s the one. She did say she was in love this time.” Simona leaned over and plucked a penny out of Yasmine’s hand before she could get it to her mouth and was rewarded with a loud wail.

“Hmph. That’s a first. What did you do to my baby?”

“Kept her from eating a penny. I don’t know how she finds these things. I try to make sure I don’t miss anything, but she finds the tiniest specks.”

“All babies are like that. Go take care of her. We’ll talk soon. Love you, baby.”

“Love you, too, Nana.” She hung up, tossed the phone on the couch and picked up Yasmine. “Okay, little miss, it’s bath and bedtime for you.”

After putting Yasmine to bed, Simona showered and got into bed. She picked up the mystery novel she’d been trying to finish for the past two weeks. Two pages in, her mind went back to its favorite subject of late—Donovan. With his killer smile, sexy dimple and mesmerizing eyes, it was going to take every ounce of willpower she had to resist him. Her eyes slid closed as she recalled his hard body pressed against hers, the way his hand caressed her back, the intensity of his kiss. Even now, the thought of his soft, warm lips against hers sent a wave of desire through her. And, once again, thoughts of those same lips moving over her body seeped into her fantasy.

Simona’s eyes snapped open and she groaned. The man had kissed her only once and had her all hot and bothered. It was just a simple good-night kiss. Nothing more.

Yeah, but it was the best kiss of your life, good-night or otherwise, her mind argued.

She ignored the errant thought. Best kiss or not, she needed to maintain her distance, and she had only a short time to figure out how to get it done.

* * *

Simona rushed around her bedroom trying to get dressed. Instead of picking her up at seven fifteen as planned, Donovan had called and asked if she could be ready an hour earlier because he had to stop at his office first. Her bed looked as if it had been hit by a tornado, with the many outfits she had tried on and discarded. She threw up her hands. “Why is this so hard? It’s just a date.”

Yasmine raised her arms and giggled.

“Oh, so you think this is funny, huh?” The doorbell rang. “Let’s go get the door.” She opened the door to Eve. “Hey.”

“You’re not dressed yet?” Eve asked as she entered and took Yasmine. “Donovan is going to be here in half an hour.”

“I know. I can’t decide what to wear,” Simona said, going back to her room with Eve following. When they got to the room, Eve laughed.

“Girl, you have more clothes on the bed than in your closet. It’s a concert. You’ll be fine wearing a dress or pants. What is Donovan wearing?”

“I have no idea. I didn’t ask.” She held up a cap-sleeve, curve-hugging royal blue dress, turning it one way, then another.

“That’s nice. Put it on. Yasmine and I will be waiting.” Eve walked out, closing the door behind her.

Simona slipped into the dress, applied light makeup and sat on the edge of the bed to put on her shoes. The strappy black sandals added four inches to her five-foot-six-inch frame. She stood in front of her floor-length mirror and surveyed the look. Her stomach wasn’t as flat as she liked, but the ruched design of the dress concealed it perfectly. She added large silver hoop earrings and released the clip on her braids. Tonight she decided to leave her hair down. It had been a while since she’d gone on a date, and she looked forward to a nice evening out. Smiling, she picked up her small black shoulder bag and left the room.

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