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It's Only You

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He let himself into his parents’ home and followed the sound of the television to the family room. “Hey, Mom, Dad.”

“Donovan! Oh, my word.” His mother rose swiftly from the chair and rushed over to him, examining him much like his sister had done the night before. “What are you doing here? You said you wouldn’t be able to visit for a while.”

Kissing her cheek and hugging her tight, he said, “I know, but I thought I’d surprise you.”

“Well, you sure did that.”

He moved into his father’s rough hug. “You’re looking good, Dad. How’re you doing?”

“It’s good to see you, son. I’m coming right along. How long are you staying?”

“Just till tomorrow afternoon. The group I manage had concerts in Chicago tonight and last night.”

“You hungry?” his mother asked.

“No. I had dinner. But I’ll take breakfast in the morning,” he added with a grin.

She nodded. “Come on and sit down. What’s been going on? Giselle told me you were seeing someone. Is it serious?”

Donovan shook his head and muttered, “Gigi talks too much.”

His dad chuckled. “Maureen, let the boy catch his breath before you start grilling him. If he has something to tell us, he will.”

Maureen Wright eyed her husband, but Elijah Wright ignored it and placed a kiss on her lips. She giggled. Donovan viewed the exchange with amusement. After nearly forty years of marriage, his father could still make his mother blush like a schoolgirl. A vision of Simona’s shy smile appeared in his mind’s eye. He missed her.

“You okay, Donovan?” his father asked.

“Yes, just tired.” He sat and talked with his parents, catching up on the latest goings-on with relatives, his father’s health and the remodeling project they were starting at the house.

His mother yawned. “It’s almost midnight. I need to go to bed.”

He stood and helped his mother to her feet. “Good night, Mom.”

“Good night, sweetheart.” She turned to her husband. “Are you coming to bed, Elijah?”

Wrapping his arms around her and kissing her, he said, “I’ll be there shortly, sweetheart.”

Donovan sprawled across the sofa and closed his eyes.

“Something on your mind, Donovan?”

He sat up, braced his forearms on his knees and stared at his shoes, contemplating whether to share his dilemma. Finally, he lifted his head. “Dad, I met a woman and I like her. But...I found out she has a one-year-old daughter.”

“You have something against dating women with children?”

“It’s not that.” Though he still wasn’t sure how he felt about being around a woman with another man’s child. What if Donovan got attached to Yasmine and then her biological father decided to make an appearance? Who would Simona choose? “We’d been dating almost a month and she never told me. I found out when the little girl got sick and had to go to the hospital. She lied to me.”

“Did she tell you she didn’t have children?”


“Then she didn’t lie.”

“But she kept it from me, which is the same thing, in my book.”

“I’m sure she planned to tell you.”

“That’s what she said,” Donovan grumbled, still feeling a sense of betrayal.

“Son, everyone has a past, including you. If you’re looking for me to validate your holding this over her head, it’s not going to happen. None of us is perfect, and we all make our share of mistakes.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but his father cut him off.

“There’s no logic when it comes to love. This trip didn’t have anything to do with your job. It had everything to do with you running away from what’s going on inside. Stop listening to your head. Listen to your heart. Now I’m going to bed.” He squeezed Donovan’s shoulder reassuringly as he passed.

“Night, Dad.” Donovan laid his head against the couch. His dad was spot on. Donovan thought the distance would ease his turmoil, but he hadn’t outrun it...or his feelings. His mind said the risk was too great. But his heart wanted Simona and her little girl.

Digging out his cell, he pulled up Simona’s number from his favorites list. Taking a deep breath, he tapped the screen.


Her soft voice came through the line and immediately warmed his heart. “Hey, Simona. How are you?”

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