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Secrets & Sin (Surrender to Them 3)

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“I didn’t say that the spanking didn’t hurt, I just thought I would be over your knee a lot longer than I was.” She leaned back on the bed and pulled Shane down with her. “Is the Funhouse really over, or am I going to go to bed all hot and bothered? All of this talk has gotten me wet again.”

I didn’t need another invitation. If the time we spent talking had given her time to recover, I was definitely up for another round. Shane was already rolling on top of her before I got into bed, so I worked on her neck and tits while he enjoyed the prize between her legs. I was pretty sure she couldn’t take another session with both of us inside her, even if she was hot, so we just took turns satisfying her craving and chasing our own. I was exhausted by the time it was over, and Brianna was already dozing. I turned out the light and slept on one side of her with Shane on the other. It felt perfect having her there between us. My mind spun with thoughts of it lasting longer than one night, but I had no idea what the morning would bring. I just hoped it didn’t come with any regret on her part.



I woke up with two incredibly hot men on either side of me. It took me a moment to remember where I was as I pulled myself from the depths of sleep. They didn’t even move when I sat up in bed. I crawled to the edge of the bed and headed to the bathroom so I could clean myself up. The work they had done on Overlook Mansion was impressive, but the bathroom didn’t appear to be one area that had gotten very much attention. After I put my costume back on, I wandered around the upstairs, taking in the parts of the past that had been covered in dust. The only rooms that appeared to be touched were the ones that Dante used for his Funhouse activities. They definitely had a ways to go, which meant they would be in Bakersfield for a while.

Am I foolish to wonder if we could have a few more nights like last night before they finish up here or I end up leaving for California?

I didn’t come to Overlook Mansion to fall for Dante and Shane. It was supposed to be a night I would never forget and an end to my innocence. I got that, but there were so many desires flourishing inside me that it was hard to imagine going home and being the same girl I was before I met them. I grabbed my cell phone and walked downstairs as I stared at the screen. I had a number of frantic messages from Jackie, but she seemed to have given up in the middle of the night. I typed a quick reply to let her know that I was okay and I would fill her in later. There was a lot I would never be able to share with anyone, even my best friend, but I wasn’t going to completely hide from what I had done.

Hmm, what’s this?

I poured a glass of iced tea and picked up an old book that was laying on the counter. Based on the age and the binding, I assumed it must have been something they found in the house. I walked into the living room and sat down before opening it up. I was surprised to find that it was handwritten, and as I turned the pages, I realized it was someone’s diary. I was immediately captivated by the story of Abigail Herrington, who had apparently lived in the house at some point. As the pages turned, I read about her forced marriage, the punishments she got from her husband, and to my surprise—how much they turned her on. I was still flipping the pages when I heard footsteps on the stairs, and when I looked up to see Dante and Shane, I realized I had been reading for a while.

“Uh oh, somebody found your secret journal, Dante.” Shane chuckled and pointed at me.

“I hope it’s okay that I read it. I was curious and next thing you know, I got lost in her story.” I closed the diary as Dante walked over and sat down.

“Yeah, it came with the house.” Dante shrugged and tilted his head. “How far did you get?”

“A couple of years.” I looked down at the diary and nodded. “Does it get better?”

“It gets… interesting. I guess you got far enough to read about the things she did when he was at work.” Dante chuckled and smirked.

“She was quite graphic.” I raised my eyebrows and nodded. “Hard to believe this thing survived in the house as long as it did. I’m pretty sure this place gets its fair share of looters.”

“It was in a metal box behind a cabinet, so maybe it got knocked off at some point.” Dante shrugged again. “It must not have been very important if she left it behind.”

“Would you mind if I kept this for a couple of days? I’d like to do some research on Abigail Herrington.” I tapped the book.

“You just want to read it in the privacy of your own bedroom.” Shane walked in with a cup of coffee.

“Maybe.” I giggled and nodded.

“I’ll let you hang onto it under one condition—it has to return to this house every twenty-four hours.” A smile slowly spread across Dante’s lips. “You too, of course.”

“So I have to bring it back tomorrow?” I narrowed my eyes and nodded in understanding. “I think that is an acceptable agreement.”

“Don’t make us have to hunt you down.” Shane chuckled and sipped his coffee.

I spent some more time with Dante and Shane before I decided that I should head home. The journal was my ticket for another trip to their Funhouse, even if it wasn’t Halloween. I thought about them as I drove down the road that led me away from Overlook Mansion. All of the dirty, filthy things they did to me the night before played in my head. Thinking about it made me want more—so much so that I almost turned the car around before I reached Main Street. I quickly put my old costume on over the cheerleader outfit when I got close to my house, and pulled into the driveway to find that my father had already left for work. My mother didn’t say much as I rushed i

nside and headed upstairs to shower and get ready for school. My cover story was safe, at least with them.

Now I have to face Jackie, and that’s not going to be an easy conversation.

* * *

“You what? Please tell me that you’re just fucking around.” Jackie’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head once I told her where I spent Halloween night.

“I’m not messing with you at all.” I shook my head back and forth. “It really happened. I’m not a virgin anymore.”

“Your parents are going to ground you for the rest of your life!” Jackie stared at me in disbelief.

“They’re not going to ground me, Jackie. I’m not a kid.” I blinked and dismissed what she said with a wave of her hand.

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