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Vegas Bets (Surrender to Them 6)

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“Okay, I think Aurora can get back to her room on her own from here. No reason to have that drink now that she tried to guzzle the whole bottle.” I tugged on his arm until he was facing me.

“No, come on.” Aurora words were slurred as she spoke. “Don’t you want to hang out with me for a little while? I don’t want to be alone.”

“Yeah.” Cole pulled his arm away from my grasp. “She doesn’t want to be alone.”

Great—I can’t leave her alone with Cole tonight. He will definitely give her a night to remember and one she will likely regret.

Chapter Seven


The next day

I woke up with an intense stabbing sensation behind my eyes that was amplified by the morning sun. My eyes were blurry and they ached. I searched my memories, trying to remember how I got back to my hotel room. The last thing I remembered was climbing out of the Uber outside the Bellagio. I shifted on the bed and I noticed a lump next to me. I wasn’t alone! I leaned to the side and my stomach did a somersault when I saw Ryker’s face underneath the folded sheet. My mouth fell open in shock and I swallowed hard as I scooted to the edge of the bed. I looked down. I was wearing my t-shirt from the day before, but my jeans were on the floor. I nervously lifted my t-shirt to look beneath it.

I’m still wearing my panties. That’s a good sign. Right? Oh god, what the heck did I do last night?

“Ryker.” I leaned back across the bed and shook him with my hand. “Ryker, wake up.”

“What?” I heard a groan and he pushed away the sheet.

He isn’t wearing a shirt. Where is his shirt?

“What happened last night? We didn’t—please tell me we didn’t—do it.” I felt my lip trembling as a horrified expression spread across my face.

“We didn’t do it?” Ryker chuckled and sat up in the bed, pushing away the sheet to reveal boxer shorts. “No, we didn’t fuck. Not that you would have complained if we did. I practically had to beat you off with a stick.”

“Why are you in my bed?” I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around my waist.

“I needed somewhere to sleep and Cole was on the couch.” Ryker stood up and scratched his head. “Fuck, you really don’t remember?”

“I did a few shots.” I squinted and tried to remember. “Then we were coming here to have another drink—oh gosh. I took the bottle from you…”

“Yep.” Ryker exhaled sharply. “Then you tried to fuck Cole. When I pulled you off him, you tried to fuck me.”

“No!” My fell open in shock. “I wouldn’t do that!”

“Apparently alcohol makes you really, really horny.” Ryker chuckled and nodded. “Lucky for you, I’m not a fan of girls that pass out in my arms in the middle of a kiss.”

“Wait—we kissed?” I blinked and felt my heart racing.

I had my first kiss and I don’t even remember it?

“Like I said—alcohol makes you horny.” Ryker nodded and smirked. “How’s your head?”

“It freaking hurts!” I shook my head and grimaced. “I’m just losing my mind right now and I can’t think about that!”

“Well, you’ll have all day to sleep it off. Let me wake up Cole and we’ll be on our way. I didn’t feel right leaving you here by yourself last night.” Ryker stood to his feet and reached for his jeans.

Dang, he’s so gorgeous. I’m not surprised that drunk me tried to sleep with him, but Cole? Why would I go after him first instead of Ryker?

“Wait—do you really have to go?” I swallowed hard and sighed. “I had a lot of fun yesterday.”

“Okay, I’m going to level with you.” Ryker slid on his jeans and walked around the bed. “Cole and I haven’t been entirely honest. You have a right to know the truth.”

“What?” I tilted my head to the side.

“It was no accident that I sat down beside you at the slot machine yesterday…” Ryker looked down at the floor and sighed.

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