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Arson & Ache (Surrender to Them 8)

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“Yeah.” He exhaled sharply. “Well, the police did.”

“You don’t sound very excited.” My grin faded, and I tilted my head to hold my phone against my shoulder.

“It’s just frustrating. I’m sure Kincaid can fill you in.” He sighed so loud it echoed in my ear.

“He didn’t answer. Should we all meet up at your house? Well—sorry if I just invited myself over.” I grimaced as I realized I might have been too pushy.

“Nothing to apologize for. I wish I could, but I decided to go see my Dad since the investigation is over. Try to call Kincaid again. He probably needs something to get his mind off the case.” Donovan’s tone echoed concern that I picked up on immediately.

“Okay, maybe I’ll just stop by his place if he doesn’t answer.” I pulled the phone away from my ear and connected it to the bluetooth in my car. “Can you send me his address?”

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.” Donovan chuckled. “I know you’ll be exactly what he needs right now.”

“You won’t be mad?” I pushed my foot on the accelerator and started driving. “If I’m—just with him?”

“No, not at all.” He quickly responded without a hesitating. “I think you should spend time with us individually, even if it’s pretty damn incredible when all three of us are together.”

Donovan and I continued to talk as I drove towards Kincaid’s house. He told me that his Dad was doing better, but not really following the doctor’s orders. Donovan wanted to stay a couple of days and take some of the pressure off his stepmother. He really was a kind soul. I said goodbye when I turned onto Kincaid’s street. His car was in the driveway, so that was a good sign. I hoped that he wouldn’t be angry I stopped by, even though Donovan seemed to think it was a good idea. The relationship was still new, and truthfully, I didn’t know if it was an actual relationship yet. We had fun—I loved being with them—but there were still things that we hadn’t fully worked out. I couldn’t focus on that yet. I wanted to be there for Kincaid if he needed me. I parked my car and walked up to the front door. I waited for several seconds, but there was no response. I knocked a little harder and then I heard footsteps approaching the door.

Hopefully he’ll be happy to see me.


“Hey.” Kincaid opened the door and seemed a little surprised to see me. “I’m sorry it took me so long to answer, I must have fallen asleep in my chair.”

“Sorry to show up unannounced. I tried to call.” I looked up at him and smiled.

“No apologies are necessary. I’m happy to see you.” He pulled the door back. “Come on in—it’s a mess though, so please forgive my shitty housekeeping.”

I stepped inside Kincaid’s house and once the door was closed, he hugged me. We stood there in that embrace for several minutes. I don’t know who needed the hug more, but he didn’t let me go once he wrapped his arms around me. I really didn’t know what to say to him. I hadn’t been able to completely read him yet. I assumed he was upset that the investigation ended when he wasn’t there to see Fireball in handcuffs, since he talked about that when he discussed the case, but I also knew he would be relieved that it was over. He finally broke from our embrace and held my hand. The confused, surprised expression I saw when he opened the door faded and I could tell that he was truly happy I was there.

“Do you want something to drink?” He held my hand and led me to the living room.

“I could use one after today.” I nodded and saw a half-empty bottle of whiskey sitting next to the chair. “You must have started early.”

“Yeah, but I quit before I got drunk—it was just enough to take the edge off.” He exhaled sharply and poured two glasses of whiskey. “Not enough to keep me from passing the fuck out though. I guess I just needed some rest after the weekend.”

“I can relate.” I chuckled and took the glass from him.

Kincaid and I sat down on the couch. I snuggled close to him and he put his arm around me. Being there with him felt right and I was happy I stopped by. He started talking about the case, going over things that happened in the beginning, and I realized he really just needed to talk about it. I listened and chimed in where I could. It really was fascinating to hear all of the details of the investigation—especially the parts that never made the news. He was definitely relieved that the whole thing was over, but still a little bitter about how it went down. I sipped my whiskey slowly. I wasn’t a fan of hard alcohol and it went straight to my head, but I definitely enjoyed having something in my system. The buzz gave me a little more energy, which I was lacking after the weekend and my first day as an Account Manager.

“But, that’s the end of it.” Kincaid sighed and sipped his whiskey. “It’s all over now, so all we can do is pack everything up and work on our next case.”

“Hopefully the next one won’t be so crazy.” I looked up at him and smiled. “I bet you’ll be there when you get the next guy.”

“I probably won’t even care.” He exhaled sharply. “The Fireball case was just—personal.”

“I can understand that.” I nodded and traced the tattoos on his arm. “Well you have me to take your mind off things tonight.”

“You’re already doing a damn good job of that.” He slid a hand down my abdomen and squeezed my thigh. “Just having you here is better than dwelling on all of this on my own.”

“Except that I woke you up.” I grinned and snuggled closer to him. “You might not get any sleep now.”

“Sleep is overrated.” He moved his hand further down my thigh and slid it underneath my skirt.

Kincaid hoisted me up until I was close enough for him to kiss me and then our passion started to erupt. Our lips seared together, and I melted into his arms. He pulled at my skirt until it was around my waist and started to rub my pussy through my panties. I felt his cock swelling in his pants, begging to be released. Whatever worry he had faded, and the moment belonged to us. That was how it needed to be. I could help him move past the frustration and enjoy a night that was just the two of us. Donovan was right. I definitely needed time with each of them. I felt more connected to Kincaid than I had been previously after seeing some of his vulnerabilities—even if all I had to offer was an ear while he vented. He was a good man and had every right to be frustrated over how the case ended, but there was no way to undo that.

“Damn, you’re so fucking beautiful.” Kincaid pushed my jacket off and it slid to the floor. “Having you in my arms is the best feeling in the world.”

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