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Blaze & Bind (Surrender to Them 10)

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“But—how?” My face couldn’t hide my confusion.

“You leave that part to me. All you have to do is agree to the terms of my deal, and the debt will be cleared.” He reached for his drink. “Think carefully about your response, because I’m not the kind of man who likes to have to resort to persuasion—and I don’t negotiate.”

I sat there stunned for several seconds—hell, it might have been minutes. I had no idea Chief Dade was considering retirement, or why he would even walk away from his job. I didn’t think Robert Townsend had any sort of good intentions for me if I ended up taking Chief Dade’s position. There were rumors about the south side, and some of those rumors suggested that Robert Townsend had a hand in deciding who their new chief would be after the last one retired. He intended to make me a puppet—a parrot in a cage that repeated what he said when the time was right. I hated the thought of it, but the alternative was worse.

I couldn’t let anything happen to Rachel, and I was just one man—taking on Robert Townsend alone was impossible. All I could do was accept his offer. I was selling my soul—and there was no other way to make sure Rachel was safe. I just hoped she would be able to forgive me if she ever found out how steep the price was that I had to pay for her brother’s betrayal.

A few hours later

I went from being absolutely horrified by what I was going to have to do, to ecstatic that another alternative had presented itself. Billy was back—and he brought the money he owed Robert Townsend. I didn’t have to sacrifice my dignity. I didn’t have to sell my soul. I just had to deliver the money and put an end to the nightmare. That would take me back to Rachel—back where I wanted to be. I no longer had to worry about hiding

it or swallowing the guilt because I was with my best friend’s little sister. Things were going to be better. They had to be. We were there—finally. There was just one more piece of business to take care of.

“Mr. Townsend.” I walked into his office with a purpose in my step. “I have your money.”

“You do?” He tilted his head to the side.

“Yes, sir.” I pulled out the envelope and tossed it on his desk. “That’s everything Billy owes you. The debt is paid.”

“Hmm.” He picked up the envelope and thumbed the bills. “I don’t seem to recall having a debt with Mr. Lawson.”

“What are you talking about?” I narrowed my eyes. “That’s the twenty-five grand he owes you.”

“No.” He tossed the envelope towards me, and it landed on the edge of the desk. “That has already been handled. You and I made a deal.”

“That was because I didn’t have the money!” I slammed my finger down on the envelope. “I have it now. You said I had until midnight.”

“Well, yes.” He nodded. “But that was the original arrangement. We made a new deal earlier today. I never go back on a deal—and neither does an honorable man.”

He’s going to fuck me over—son of a bitch!

“I’m not going to be your pawn.” I snatched the envelope off his desk and held it out to him. “This is everything Billy owes you, and you need to honor the original deal!”

“I would have, but that option was closed the moment you agreed to help me with my little problem.” His words got more intense. “That’s the new deal, whether you like it or not. I don’t think I have to tell you what will happen if you don’t honor it.”

“No…” My words trailed off.

I wanted to punch him, but while the punch would have been satisfying, I would have just ended up face down in a pool of my own blood after he ordered one of his goons to put a bullet in my head. That would probably put Rachel in danger again too, just because he knew I cared about her. I was trapped. I made the deal too soon—before I knew Billy would come back with the money. It was necessary because I didn’t want to be pushing midnight when Robert Townsend could come for Rachel, but if I had only waited just a little bit longer. The hopelessness of the situation began to set in as I stared at the intent look on Robert Townsend’s face. I had played right into his hands. The instant he realized I worked for Chief Dade, he realized I was a lot more valuable to him as a pawn than as a corpse.

“Go have a drink at the bar. Enjoy yourself.” A smile spread across his face when he saw the defeat on mine. “You’re a member of my club now—and it’s not a membership you get to cancel.”

I left him and went to the bar. One thing was for sure—if I was going to be caught up in Robert Townsend’s scheme, I had to distance myself from Liam, Rachel, and Billy. There was always a chance it could go south, and that reality was terrifying. It could put us all at risk. If there was going to be a coffin, I had to make sure I was the only one who went inside it early. The ache of that realization caused me to ask for a drink once I got to the bar. I felt truly hopeless. I promised Rachel I would never abandon her—and I was about to do the same thing I did the first time I held her in my arms. There would be no coming back from that. My only solace was in the fact that she had Liam. He would make sure she was taken care of, and hopefully, the void my betrayal created would be easier to handle if he was there to pick up the pieces. It wouldn’t be perfect, but it was the only version of forever I could offer her. There was no way I was going to pull her closer than she already was when I could end up in handcuffs.

Robert Townsend might be powerful, but powerful men never last. They either snuff out their own flame because of greed, or someone finally takes a stand against them. I’m going to be on the wrong side of history here—and I don’t have a fucking choice.

I got word that Liam was trying to get into the club. The guys at the door were happy to deal with him, but I was going to have to face him eventually—so I told them to let him come inside. I couldn’t tell him the entire truth about the situation, but I told him enough to make sure he understood that I wasn’t going to leave with him. I was happy when I heard the protectiveness in his for Rachel. He realized what she was going to go through. I hoped he understood enough to help her get through it. That would have to be his cross to bear. I had one that was a lot heavier on my shoulders. Whether I liked it or not, I was in league with Robert Townsend. There was no way to change that without endangering the woman I loved—and I loved her enough to let go of her if it meant she was safe.

“I hope you’re finding things to your liking.” Robert Townsend walked up and sat down beside me after Liam was gone.

“It’s fine.” I lied through my teeth, but I didn’t feel like I had the option to tell him how I really felt.

“Your friend—the one that was just here. Is he going to be a problem?” Robert Townsend tilted his head to the side.

“No, he’s harmless.” I shook my head back and forth. “I got rid of him.”

“Good.” He smiled. “Well, if you’re not going home to Billy’s sister anytime soon, feel free to choose one of my girls to keep your bed warm tonight.”

“I’m alright.” I lifted the glass to my lips and took a sip.

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