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Blaze & Bind (Surrender to Them 10)

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Three months later

Everything returned to normal after Robert Townsend was arrested—well, as normal as they could be. Billy and Sugar moved in with my Dad, and I decided to continue living with Liam and Gerard. I certainly didn’t have much motivation to leave. Billy got a decent job, and a few weeks later, we learned that there was a reason they didn’t decide to stay in Las Vegas—Sugar was pregnant. Their original plan was to figure out a way to get the money they needed to pay Robert Townsend, and then go back once the debt was paid. I still felt like it was very irresponsible, considering what it nearly cost us, but I did my best to forgive my brother. At least he was finally holding down a job and not leeching off our father—he even started paying rent. I think my Dad was so happy that he was going to be a grandfather that he wasn’t overly concerned about Billy staying there, even if he wasn’t paying rent, but it was a nice token from my brother since he had been irresponsible his whole life.

I think my Dad was suspicious about my relationship with the two incredibly hot firefighters, but he didn’t ask a lot of questions. Once I decided that I was going to stay, I moved the rest of my stuff into the apartment, and we figured out a budget that would let us keep the place. It really was a nice apartment, and while we needed to cut some expenses, we didn’t have to go without very often. The entertainment was certainly taken care of—none of us were bored. When I wasn’t busy with school, and they weren’t working, we barely left the bedroom unless we needed food. I definitely didn’t complain. I would have loved to have spent every waking hour with them, and then fallen asleep in their arms. They were amazing men—men that would fight for me and do anything to make sure our relationship stood the test of time.

Robert Townsend took a plea deal once he realized how much evidence the FBI had against him. With his influence gone, the rest of the city corrected itself the best way that it could. The mayor was arrested, and then he was impeached once a hearing could be scheduled. The new mayor promised to be tough on crime and set up a task force to root out the people who were tempted by Robert Townsend’s corruption. For several weeks, there was hardly a day that went by when someone new wasn’t arrested or removed from their position. Crime rates went down, the arson rates on the south side practically became nonexistent, and the city felt much safer without Robert Townsend looming over it. There was even enough money in the budget to launch some fire safety campaigns.

“I’m so glad that shift is over.” Gerard walked through the front door. “It’s getting a little boring these days—I think people are afraid even to have an accidental fire.”

“That’s what happens when candle awareness reaches an all-time high.” I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. “I’m glad I don’t work in a candle store anymore.”

“Yeah, well we have time to worry about smaller stuff now without Robert Townsend trying to ruin everything—I just never expected to be the face of the candle awareness campaign.” He chuckled under his breath.

“You look good on television—you look good now too.” My lips twisted into a devious smile.

“You look much better—and I’m going to show you how good you look in a few minutes.” He grinned and pressed his lips to my forehead.

“Where’s Liam?” I looked past Gerard—at the open door.

“Oh right.” Gerard nodded and took a step back. “Presenting the new—and improved—Liam!”

My mouth fell open when Liam walked through the front door. His long hair—the gorgeous mane—was gone. I didn’t know how to react at first. I had gotten so used to his long hair that I wasn’t expecting him to cut it off. I couldn’t deny that he looked way better without it, but I was going to miss the look of rebellion. I finally got over my shock to walk over and kiss him. He looked just like the guy I crushed on in high school—but a lot more distinguished and mature. After I kissed him, I lifted my hand and ran it through his much shorter hair. It was still a little longer than it used to be, but the way it was cut made his eyes nearly light up.

“I guess I can get used to this.” I bit down on my bottom lip and grinned. “But why did you cut it?”

“I think he’s trying to impress a girl or something.” Gerard chuckled and squeezed my ass.

“It was just time.” Liam nodded. “That look was never me—it was just a reaction to what I was dealing with at the time. I figure I should look respectable now—but are you impressed?”

“Let me show you how impressed I am.” I grabbed his shirt and turned to start walking to the bedroom, pulling him along behind me.

“I can get a haircut too…” Gerard chuckled and followed along behind us.

We didn’t waste any time once we got to the bedroom. Gerard and Liam started kissing my neck, pulling at my clothes until they were on the floor. Their lips still set me on fire, no matter how much time I spent with them, and I couldn’t wait for us to spend the entire weekend together. I worked extremely hard during the week to make sure I didn’t have anything to distract me—I even switched my schedule around at work. We fell into the bed, and they continued to kiss my neck, then they moved to my breasts. I was never going to get tired of having two sets of lips that wanted to devour me. That was exactly what they seemed to have in mind when their lips moved lower—so close to paradise that I could feel the heat of their breath on my clit.

“You don’t have to take turns today. I want both of you at the same time.” I moaned and arched my back.

“That’s exactly what you’re going to get then.” Liam brought his hand around and gave me a quick smack on my ass.

“Yeah.” I turned my ass towards him. “More of that too.”

Gerard started to lick my pussy, pushing his tongue into my wetness, while Liam used his tongue to get my ass ready so that they both could be inside of me at the same time. It wasn’t the first time we had tried it, and it didn’t make me nervous at all. I know how amazing it felt to have both of them. It always made me come harder than anything else we did, and that was exactly what I

needed to start our weekend together off right. Gerard’s tongue moved inside of me several times and then danced around my clit. Liam coated my tightest hole with his saliva and then started to push a finger into it. It wasn’t long until a second one was inside it and the combination of that, along with Liam’s tongue, pushed me extremely close to orgasm—so much so that I started to moan.

“You’re gonna make me come.” I reached back, thinking I would feel Liam’s hair, but felt his freshly cut locks instead.

“Not yet.” Liam lifted his hand and spanked me several times.


“Yeah.” Gerard chuckled. “We’re going to wait for this one.”

“Don’t torture me. I whined.

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