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Daddy's Best Friend

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“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I climbed over the edge of the Jacuzzi and grabbed my towel.

I’ll call this a successful escape…



I watched as Greyson stepped out of the Jacuzzi and reached for his towel. I might have teased him with my old man comment, but there was nothing old about that physique. I previously noticed that he had a few tattoos, but his entire upper torso was a cascade of beautiful ink. He had an incredible body—he looked like someone had carved a perfect statue and brought it to life. The sight of him dripping with water as he dried off made my bikini try to melt off my hips. I didn’t want him to go—I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. I just couldn’t work up the courage to ask him to climb back into the Jacuzzi with me—so I watched him walk into the house.

I wish I had been paying closer attention when my sister was talking about flirting with guys. I was so sure I would never need to know any of that stuff…

If it was some guy at school, I could have asked my sister for advice. Unfortunately, Greyson wasn’t someone I could ask her about—because she would tell me that I was an idiot and acting like a child. I sank below the surface of the water and stayed there until I was fighting for air before sitting back up. I still felt like I was suffocating on the inside. I just—wanted to know if we were playing a game I could win or if he just thought I was some kid he had to look after. I wanted to believe there could be more. I knew it was stupid, but I couldn’t help how I felt. I didn’t even want to go to bed—because I was afraid I would have another vivid dream like the one I had the night before.

I guess I don’t have a choice. I can’t stay up all night…

The next day

I walked down the stairs as soon as I was showered and there was no sign of Greyson. I knew he was home, because it was Saturday and he said he didn’t have to work. I peeked in the garage just to make sure his Maserati was there—and it was. I walked down the hallway and heard a noise coming from the gym. I peeked in the door and saw him flat on his back underneath a really heavy weight—one that he was bench pressing like it was nothing. I didn’t want to startle him, so I waited until he was done with his reps to walk through the door.

“Is this what you do on Saturday?” I looked around the gym.

“Yeah.” He nodded and sat up. “I usually squeeze in a few workouts during the week when I can.”

Of course, he’s covered in sweat and now his muscles are pumped from working out—just what I need to see first thing in the morning when I’m fighting my attraction to him.

“Do you want to work out with me?” He leaned forward and started to stand. “I don’t use the treadmill—bum knee and all.”

“I—don’t know about that.” I shook my head back and forth. “This is the first time I’ve even been inside a gym.”

“Is everything set for school?” He tilted his head slightly. “Anything you need help with?”

“Yeah.” I nodded in confirmation. “I mean, except the car—I have to get a ride with John.”

“I already took care of that.” He grabbed a towel and threw it over his shoulder. “He’ll be waiting for you outside Monday morning.”

“Okay…” I sighed. “Then I guess everything is set.”

Greyson went to one of the machines that worked a muscle I had never used, so I decided to go to the kitchen and find something to eat. I was looking forward to my first day of college, but my head was still in turmoil over Greyson. He finished his workout, showered, an

d then came back downstairs in a t-shirt and jeans. I wasn’t really sure what he did all day when he was home by himself. I had only seen him after work—as it turned out, the weekends weren’t completely devoid of work. He went into his library and I heard him hammering keys on his laptop. I was a little bored by that point, so I decided to go for a swim. I changed into a bikini and headed down to the pool. I did a couple of laps and started paddling around in place when the door opened, and Greyson walked out.

“Are you finally done with work?” I looked up at him.

“Yeah, it was nothing important, but I am behind on my emails.” He shrugged.

“Are you going to join me?” I swam towards the edge and splashed some water at his feet.

“Sure, let me go change into my swim trunks.” He nodded and walked back towards the house.

I was tempted to tell him that he didn’t need a pair of swim trunks—but that would have been wildly inappropriate. I waited until he returned and stared as I got another look at his marvelous physique. It certainly made me think dirty thoughts, but I kept them to myself as he walked into the pool and swam towards the deep end. Everything about him made my body scream for his touch, but I did my best to just stare—and I think he caught me a couple of times. I just couldn’t help myself. The site of his gorgeous body and beautiful ink was making me tingle—and his accent was almost enough to make me want to take another trip upstairs to spend some time in the tub pretending I could do more than stare. I couldn’t do that—not while he was in the house, so I followed Greyson to the deep end of the pool and playfully splashed him with a little water once he surfaced.

“Alright now, none of that.” He waved his hand and splashed me with even more water than I sent his way.

“Don’t tell me there’s a rule that says I can’t splash you.” I slung my hand towards him and most of the water hit him in the face.

“Well if there was, you would have just broken it twice.” He chuckled and slammed his hand into the water which sent a wave in my direction.

I might get his hands on my body again—if I push my luck. It’s too bad they don’t linger after one of those quick smacks…

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