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Daddy's Best Friend

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y, he wanted to personally make sure that I didn’t miss my ride or try to sneak out in an old t-shirt and a pair of jeans. We ate breakfast, made sure everything was ready for school, and then I went upstairs to get finish getting ready. I might not have been thrilled to be a charity case he spent his money on, but I couldn’t deny that the new outfit was amazing. If I had taken the time to properly do my nails and makeup—and made more of an effort with my hair, I could have easily passed for one of the preppy girls I went to high school with.

That’s a scary thought. The only difference between us was a wardrobe and some Maybelline?

I was nervous when I gathered my things and headed towards the stairs. I felt like I should have been walking in slow motion with a rock song playing in the background. Greyson smiled when he saw me and I still blushed, even if he was never going to look at me the way that I wanted. I looked at myself in one of the mirrors near the door and I couldn’t help but have a little more confidence. He was right—my appearance did make a difference. It was the new me—things were going to be different in College.

“You look lovely.” Greyson walked up and squeezed my hand. “Are you ready to go?”

“Thank you so much…” I turned towards Greyson and hugged him. “Is John waiting outside?”

“No.” Greyson squeezed me tight and then pulled back from our embrace. “I decided that I’m going to let you use the Porsche. I trust you’ll make better decisions this time around?”

“Yes!” I hugged him again. “Thank you—Daddy.”

“You’re welcome.” He took a step back and motioned towards the keys hanging on the wall. “Hurry along now. You don’t want to be late.”

I grabbed the keys and walked towards the door. I—called him Daddy. It rolled off my tongue as easily as calling him sir. I asked him to be my Daddy. I didn’t expect to actually call him Daddy. It didn’t feel strange. He didn’t have a negative reaction to it. In fact, he didn’t seem bothered by it at all. I decided not to dwell on it. If it felt right and he was okay with it, then maybe I would say it again. I drove to USC and found a parking spot near my first class. There was an energy on the campus—and a new energy surging through me. It was time to start over and do what I promised myself that I would.

Later that day

“Hey, you look like you know your way around this place, do you know where—this is?” A girl in a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a freshman-stare ran up to me with her schedule in her hand.

“Um.” I glanced down at it. “Oh, you’re in my next class. It’s this way…”

“Our schedules must be similar—I was in your last class too.” She smiled and walked beside me. “I’m Meghan by the way.”

“I’m Chrissy.” I looked towards her and tilted my head inquisitively. “I didn’t see you in Professor Hawthorne’s class…”

“I sat near the back.” Her smile got a little wider. “I like to keep a low profile.”

So did I—quite recently in fact.

We got to our next class, and Meghan slouched in the back while I walked to the front row. I wasn’t trying to be the teacher’s pet or anything like that—I just wanted to show that I was attentive and ready to learn. All I really learned on the first day was which of my professors wrote the book that we had to buy for their class and what we would be learning that semester. After my last class was done, I walked towards the car. Overall, it was a really good day. I was almost to the parking lot when I heard someone call my name and turned around to see Meghan waving, so I stopped walking and let her catch up.

“Hey, I just wanted to ask—and I’m sorry to just invite myself—but do you know if there are any parties around here tonight?” She bit down on her lip and smiled.

“Parties?” I blinked in surprise. “Uh—no, I don’t really know where any are.”

“Oh, I just thought you would…” She looked a little disappointed.

Do I really look like the girl you ask about parties? Wow, that’s never happened before…

“I’m sure there are plenty of frat parties—maybe even some on sorority row.” I motioned in the general direction of both.

“I don’t really want to pledge…” She reached into her purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “I’m sure you’re a legacy somewhere, right?”

“Me?” I chuckled slightly. “No. My father went to school here, but I don’t think I’ll be joining his fraternity.”

“That might be a bit tough…” She pulled a cigarette out of her pack. “Want one?”

“No thank you.” I shook my head back and forth.

I do want one, but I’m definitely not going to come home smelling like that on my first day—I’m sure Greyson would notice.

Meghan and I talked for a few minutes before she decided to go ask around and see if anyone else knew where the parties were. She reminded me of myself—the college girl I would have been if I hadn’t been fortunate enough to meet Greyson. Instead of being a random student in the back row, I had people asking me for help—that was a change. I left USC with a smile on my face. My phone buzzed in my purse when I was halfway home, but I ignored it. I was not going to text and drive, even if it was an emergency. The phone could wait a few minutes. That was a whole new philosophy for me, but it was another lesson that I had learned because Greyson gave me rules that I knew were for the best. Once I was safely parked in the garage with the engine off, I reached into my purse and pulled out my phone.

Lorrie: How was your first day? Was it amazing?

Chrissy: It was awesome! I think I’m going to like college.

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