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Daddy's Best Friend

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“Yeah, I don’t know about that…” I shook my head back and forth. “That’s not my thing.”

“You’re in college! You’re supposed to live a little!” She rolled her eyes. “Besides, if we’re together, we can look out for each other.”

“Maybe…” I nodded.

There’s no way in hell Greyson would go for that.

I kept dodging Meghan’s insistence as I drove her home. I finally agreed that we could discuss it on Monday, but I didn’t make any promises. I glanced at the clock as I approached Greyson’s house. It was ten-thirty. I was going to make curfew with plenty of time to spare. As that realization hit me, I felt my foot pulling back from the accelerator. If I was late—I would definitely get punished. A spanking was almost guaranteed—and he might tell me that I couldn’t go out with Meghan the next weekend. It would eliminate that temptation—and I would get a taste of what I was starting to crave.

Am I really going to intentionally miss curfew just so he will spank me?

I knew the answer to the question I asked myself even before I took a side road, circled the block, and kept driving as the clock ticked towards eleven. There was conflict, but my hesitation didn’t overpower my need. I had the same craving I had inside me when I wrote the letter. I knew what was going to happen when I walked through the front door—I knew I was going to be punished. Coming to terms with that when I rolled into the garage ten minutes past eleven didn’t stop my heart from beating hard in my chest—and I felt my legs tremble when I stepped out of the car.

“You’re late…” Greyson met me at the door.

“I—lost track of time.” I looked up at him as the lie spilled across my lips.

“Go upstairs and change into your pajamas. I’ll be up to have a talk with you shortly.” Greyson pointed at the stairs.

“Yes sir.” I nodded and sighed.

It really didn’t matter what I put on. They were coming down when I went over his knee. It was exhilarating and scary at the same time, but I had already made my choice. I changed into my pajamas and waited on the edge of the bed. My heart kept beating hard in my chest—my pulse kept racing—and both got faster when I heard his footsteps on the stairs. Daddy was coming to deal with me, and I knew what that meant. I just hoped I didn’t regret it when I felt the tears in my eyes.

“Are you going to tell me the truth now, or lie to me again?” Greyson walked into my room and pulled a chair over to the bed so he could sit down.

“What do you mean?” I looked up at him.

“I have a tracker on my Porsche.” He pulled out his phone. “I watched you drive around the block several times—and you were close enough to make it home before eleven.”

Oh shit…

“Um…” I stammered over my words.

“What were you doing?” He tilted his head slightly. “Tell me the truth.”

“I—I…” I felt a lump rising up in my throat. “I wanted to get in trouble…”

Now I feel like an idiot. Of course he has a tracker on the car—I didn’t even think about that.

“You wanted me to spank you?” He tilted his head in the opposite direction and it felt like his eyes were staring straight into my soul.

“Yes sir.” I exhaled sharply. “I—I can’t really explain it…”

“You’ve never had real discipline or rules that have consequences. I get that.” He nodded. “But, punishment is supposed to be something that deters you from making bad choices—not something that encourages them.”

“I know.” I sighed and looked down at the floor. “It does hurt when you spank me, but—the first one…”

“In the living room?” He narrowed his eyes.

“Yes sir.” I nodded. “It did something to me—and I know this is crossing the line you talked about. I’m sorry. I’m trying…”

“It’s hard for me too…” He sighed and I saw the conflict spread across his face.

“Then why fight it?” I lifted my head slowly. “You don’t have to just be my Daddy. I don’t care if there’s an age difference or if you were my father’s best friend—that was a long time ago. He’s not here anymore—but you are.”

Greyson stood to his feet. I saw the look on his face shift. It went from the face of a man who was fighting to control his desire, to one of a man who intended to take what he wanted. He walked to the bed with a purpose, pulled me to my feet, and crushed my lips beneath his. Fireworks went off in my head immediately. He forced my lips apart and started to ravage my mouth. I melted into his arms as they wrapped around me. He kissed me until my head was spinning and when our lips parted, we both gasped for air. It was nothing more than a brief pause—he kissed me again with even more ferocity and pushed me back against the bed. I sank down onto the mattress with his lips seared to mine the whole way. His lips pulled away and started kissing my neck as his hands explored my body.

“Oh god…” My back arched and I moaned when I felt my skin sizzle underneath his lips. “I want you.”

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