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Daddy's Best Friend

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“Are we going to talk about last night?” Chrissy didn’t touch her food once it was in front of her and I could see the worry on her face.

“We are.” I nodded and sat down across from her.

“I’m just—scared that it’s going to be like last time.” She exhaled sharply. “I don’t want to find another letter that says how wrong it was.”

“You won’t. I’m not going to push you away, but we still have to lay a few things out.” I picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite.

“Okay…” She nodded and picked up her fork.

“If our relationship moves forward—like it did last night—it doesn’t change everything.” I reached for my coffee and took a sip. “You will still be expected to follow the rules and there will be consequences if you don’t.”

“Consequences that aren’t always good—considering what you did to me last night.” She narrowed her eyes. “I thought I was just going to get a spanking…”

“Clearly we have to work on that.” I nodded. “There will be a time and place for play—but there will still be discipline if necessary.”

“So I don’t have to be naughty if I want you to put me over your knee?” A faint glimmer of hope appeared in her eyes.

“No.” I shook my head back and forth. “But the next time you are there because you deserve to be, it will not be very pleasurable.”

“I guess I messed that up by letting you know that I liked it…” She smirked and reached for a piece of bacon.

“You weren’t that good at hiding it—I just didn’t want to push things far enough to actually hurt you.” I picked up my fork and pushed it into my eggs. “Things may be a little different the next time you get in trouble—you might have trouble sitting down for a couple of days.”

“Well if I get a little taste of what you gave me last night, I probably won’t be very tempted to misbehave.” She bit down on her lip and grinned.

“We shall see…” I narrowed my eyes and gave her a playful growl.

I laid out a few more rules for Chrissy while we finished our breakfast—but I made sure she understood that the consequences would be real the next time she did something to actually earn a trip over my knee. My role as her Daddy was going to be separated from the other side of our relationship. It was two halves of a whole, which was what we clearly needed. She could be a playful brat if she wanted, but what she got for that wasn’t going to be real punishment. There was a chance that we would never make it to the point where real punishment was required—I was actually hoping that was the case. I had no problem with a relationship that was built heavily on kink—I enjoyed that myself when there wasn’t a serious reason for her to be in position for punishment. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that she would test me—at least once.

“I guess I should work on my assignments.” She looked down at her empty plate. “I don’t want to waste the who

le weekend.”

“For a little bit.” I nodded. “I need to check in with Lauren and catch up on a couple of things for work anyway.”

“Okay.” She pushed her chair back and stood. “Maybe a few hours of work and then we could go for a swim?”

“That sounds good.” I pushed my chair back and stood.

Chrissy walked around the table and gave me a hug. It was a lot more sensual than any of the other ones she had given me and when she pulled back from our embrace, I couldn’t resist her lips. I lifted her chin and gave her a kiss—one that lasted long enough to make my cock throb in my pants. Her lips were so perfectly pouty and felt amazing against mine. I could have spent all day tasting them, but we really did have stuff that we needed to work on. Chrissy headed upstairs. I headed to my library where my laptop was.

I haven’t gotten any notifications on my phone, so I assume everything is okay—but dealing with Ricky’s shit yesterday put me behind…

A few hours later

I enough work to keep me busy, even after Lauren got rid of the emails that didn’t need my attention. I had a tough schedule ahead of me when Monday morning rolled around. Things were quiet on the Ricky front for a change, but there were plenty of other clients that I needed to work on deals for. A couple of contracts were going to expire at the end of the season, some endorsement deals were pending, and I still had a black-tie event that I wasn’t looking forward to. I was supposed to have a plus one—and if I was involved with Chrissy, then I wasn’t going to be able to call up any of the women I would normally go with.

I wonder if Chrissy could handle being around a bunch of famous people…

“Are we going swimming, or what?” Chrissy’s voice interrupted my thoughts and I looked up to see her standing at the doorway—in a very revealing bikini.

“Yeah…” I closed my laptop. “I really thought I had seen the skimpiest thing you owned already.”

“I have a few of them…” She grinned and started walking down the hall.

“I can’t believe your mother ever let you wear any of those to the pool in Chicago.” I followed behind her and decided that it didn’t matter if I stared anymore.

“Well no, she never—let me.” Chrissy giggled.

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