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Mr. Teacher

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My ex-wife wasn’t listening to anything I said. She just repeated what she had already told me. She wasn’t going to allow Benjamin to come see me for the weekend and she was filing for full custody. Apparently the rumor had made it all the way to the elementary school and Benjamin’s teacher had heard it. She called my ex-wife immediately and my relationship with my son was severed in an instant.

“Amy, come on. You know me better than that!” I tried to control my temper as I turned into my driveway. “Did you just hang up on me? Fuck!”

If I put myself in her shoes, I understood. The father of her son had just been accused of sleeping with a student. Not only that, it was a million times worse because the world found out in a graphic email that featured the cheerleader outfit Charlotte had been wearing when we were together. I turned off the ignition and when I looked up, I saw Charlotte sitting on my front porch. It was a mixture of rage and frustration that took hold of me as I stepped out of my car. It appeared she had gotten a ride, because I didn’t see her car anywhere.

“I didn’t know where else to go.” Her eyes were red and I could tell she had been crying. “I called my mother and she’s on her way home to deal with Veronica, but I can’t go back there right now. If I see my little sister at this point, I might literally kill her.”

I wanted to lash out. I wanted to scream at her. I wanted to put every ounce of blame squarely on her shoulders and watch her collapse underneath the weight. I didn’t do that. The second I saw her face, I realized she was a victim just like I was. She really did care about me. I wrapped my arms around her and she cried into my shoulder for several minutes before I led her inside the house. We walked into the kitchen and I poured two glasses of whiskey. I definitely needed it and I was pretty sure she did as well.

“What happened to your face?” I leaned over and lightly grazed a red mark with bruising in the center that appeared to be swollen.

“Veronica. I guess it wasn’t enough for her to inflict physical damage, she had to go after you as well.” Tears welled up in her eyes.

Charlotte filled me in on what happened with her sister the previous night after she got home, and how the entire situation unfolded. She was able to fill in a lot of gaps that I didn’t understand. I sipped my whiskey as I listened, feeling the alcohol sour the instant it hit my stomach. The day had left so much turmoil inside me that it wasn’t doing the trick like it normally did. She finished her story and reached for her glass, downing half of it and almost coughing as it went down her throat.

“I guess she found the story on your computer and saved it…” I exhaled sharply and shook my head. “Last night just gave her the perfect opportunity to make it a little more authentic when she saw your uniform.”

“Yeah.” Charlotte nodded and took another drink of her whiskey. “I regret writing it. See, this is why I plagiarized my work for your class. The stuff I wrote wasn’t fit for anyone to read.”

“I could have probably enjoyed it a bit more if it wasn’t ruining my life.” I chuckled, my first laugh since the whole thing began that morning.

“What are you going to do now? Do you think the school will let you keep teaching?” She reached for the bottle and refilled both of our glasses.

“I have no idea. Even if they do give me the green light, I’m not sure I can show my face there again. My ex-wife is threatening to move out of state with my son to make sure he doesn’t grow up where someone could tell him about it.” I squeezed my eyes together to avoid the emotional response I was feeling over losing my son.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” Charlotte reached out and put her hand on mine. “If it is any consolation, the school board mentioned that Veronica would likely be expelled for this when I talked with their lawyer. I have to sign a written statement tomorrow verifying that everything I said was true. My mother assured me that Veronica would sign one as well.”

“I’m sorry I compared her to you when I found out she was your sister. That girl is completely off the rails—she makes you look like a fucking saint.” I lifted my glass to my lips again.

“Except she’s a product of what I did.” Charlotte started to tear up again. “She reminded me last night that she was an honor roll student before she got to high school and had her life ruined by my reputation.”

“That’s nonsense.” I shook my head and practically spat my words. “Plenty of people have terrible role models and don’t decide to take it up a notch in response. My older brother went to jail for dealing meth when I was in high school. I didn’t suddenly decide to become a drug dealer because he was one.”

“I know she’s responsible for what she does, but I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault. If I was a better person in high school, she wouldn’t have ruined your life.” Charlotte blinked away a tear and sipped her whiskey.

“We’re in this together, whether you like it or not.” I squeezed her hand. “Like I said last night, you belong to me now. I don’t care if it is the two of us against the world. I owe you an apology as well, because when I saw the email, I actually thought you could have sent it.”

“There was a time when I probably would have

done the same thing Veronica did without even thinking about the repercussions.” She lifted her head and her eyes met mine.

“I don’t believe that for a second. You were all talk and no action.” I smiled and put my glass on the table. “That’s why you were still a virgin when you first climbed into my bed.”

“All talk, huh?” She pushed her chair back from the table. “Why don’t we take this to the bedroom and you can see that I’m all about action now.”

Chapter 11: Charlotte

It was a mixture of whiskey and frustration that drove us as we embraced in the bedroom. I needed a distraction from the day and while the whiskey had done a lot, I needed something with a little more substance. I felt like Gavin needed that as well. My sister was a bitch, but I wasn’t going to let that destroy what we had started to build. We could figure out the rest of it together. Our lips came together and even with all the turmoil surrounding us, I still felt fireworks go off in my head. We crashed into the bed with our lips pressed together and continued kissing while our hands explored our naked bodies.

“This is exactly what I need.” His lips moved from mine and his hand slid down my abdomen until he had a finger buried in my wetness.

“Yeah.” I let out a sigh of pleasure. “Me too.”

When I had left him the previous night, I had thought we were going to have a normal date this evening, possibly even one that didn’t start with dinner. I had no problem with the thought. I had figured I might even end up over his knee again, learning to love the palm of his hand. But it was clear after today that our spirits only needed the satisfaction of our bodies. Two lovers chasing the same release. It was a way for us to put aside the thoughts of everything my sister did and find solace in our embrace. I wrapped my hand around his cock and stroked it as he continued sliding his finger inside my pussy.

“God, you’re so hard.” I squeezed and tugged his massive dick as it engorged with his lust.

“Probably as hard as you are wet.” He slid his finger all the way to the knuckle and twisted it as he pulled it out.

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