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Mr. Teacher

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“Of course I will.” Tears welled up in my eyes as we hugged.

WE DECIDED TO WAIT a little while before we actually got married. I wanted to finish school and I didn’t think it would be fair to ask Gavin to relocate again after he was settled in his new life. He was teaching in a small town and there were no colleges nearby that I could transfer to. As the wedding got closer, I felt like there was one thing I needed to rectify before I could marry Gavin. I needed to forgive Veronica and move on from the hurt she had caused. I talked with my mother and she agreed that enough time had passed if I was ready. I was nervous when I walked up to the front door of her new house, but there was no way I could leave one part of my family tree splintered while I started a new branch of my own.

“Hello, Charlotte!” My mother hugged me when she opened the door.

“Hi, Mom!” I returned the hug and smiled as she led me into the house.

“Hey, sis.” Veronica looked up at me from the couch.

“I’ll let you two have some time alone.” My mother scurried towards the kitchen and I sat down in the chair across from Veronica.

There were apologies on both sides and lots of shared tears before we finally made peace. She apologized for everything she did, the person she let herself become, and I apologized for paving that road in the first place. Her entire demeanor was different. The move had definitely done a lot to help her become Veronica Baker instead of Charlotte Baker’s little sister. I was also fairly certain that the menacing hairbrush sitting in the middle of the coffee table had a lot to do with her change of attitude as well.

“So, if we’re friends again, can I see the ring?” She leaned forward and her eyes locked on my diamond.

“Of course.” I stretched out my hand and she took it with a smile. “I hope you’ll come to the wedding.”

“Yes, if you’re inviting me.” She shook her head up and down rapidly.

“I’m doing a little more than inviting you.” I grinned and tilted my head. “I want you to be my maid of honor.”

“What? Will Mr. King be okay with that? I practically ruined his life!” She twisted her mouth in concern.

“Yes, but he said he would be fine with it. I wasn’t sure if I would ask you, but now that we’ve talked, I believe you’ve changed for the better.” I nodded my head. “You’re finally past all of that foolishness.”

“Yeah.” Her eyes went to the hairbrush and then she looked back at me. “I guess you could say I didn’t have much choice!”

“A helping hand can do wonders.” I looked at the hairbrush and nodded.

Epilogue: Gavin

My second wedding day was everything I could have dreamed it would be. I didn’t even get drunk before the ceremony like I did the first time. Charlotte was gorgeous in her dress, and I made peace with Veronica being the one

to stand next to her. Some of my friends from college came into town and did throw me a bachelor’s party, but it was extremely mild compared to what we did the first time. Benjamin even did his part perfectly, bringing the rings to us when it was time to exchange them.

“With this ring…” I slid the gold band on Charlotte’s finger and saw tears behind her veil.

“THAT WAS A BEAUTIFUL ceremony and your mother did a tremendous job with the reception, but I’m really happy to have you all to myself.” I walked up to Charlotte and wrapped my arms around her waist. “Mrs. King…”

“Mr. King.” She leaned back against me and smiled.

“I do believe it is time for us to take off these clothes and make this marriage official.” I squeezed her ass through the sundress she had put on for the reception.

“You’re damn right it is.” She reached back and rubbed my cock through my tuxedo pants.

I tore at her dress with a pure primal desire raging inside me. It had been weeks since we had been alone. There were so many things to get through with Charlotte’s graduation, her mother taking time off work to stay with us while she helped plan the wedding, and me making peace with Veronica. I was happy to get back to the two of us with regular visits from Benjamin. Charlotte turned towards me and started rapidly unbuttoning my shirt. The same desire seemed to be coursing through her as well. We finally got our clothes removed and fell into the bed, tangled in our embrace.

“I hope you were serious about me stopping my birth control, because I haven’t taken it in weeks.” She wrapped her legs around my waist.

“A virgin taking birth control…” I chuckled and shook my head.

“Hey, I had a reputation to keep!” She grinned and pulled me closer for a kiss.

“I was serious.” I lifted her leg and pushed my glans into her wetness. “I definitely want to start a family with you.”

“Good, I want that too.” She shifted her hips and I slid further inside her pussy. “Now put a baby in me, Mr. King.”

“Yes ma’am, Mrs. King.” I smiled and drove my cock in deep.

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