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Chasing Her Curves

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“Good girl.” He patted my head and rustled my hair. “I guess that was good enough for you to earn an orgasm.”

Devlin pulled me to my feet and pushed his hand between my legs. His finger entered my wetness with ease. I was so turned on that my pussy was practically sticky with my desire. He pushed his finger in deep and started to massage my g-spot. It instantly sent waves of pleasure through my entire body. His thumb pressed on my clitoris and he started to make a circle around the tight bundle of nerves. I slumped against him, feeling my body tremble as the pleasure took hold of me. My desires were so strong that the culmination of everything we had done was so intense that I was ready to orgasm after less than a minute. He kept up the same pace and I felt my pussy spasming.

“There you go—cum for me.” He put an arm around my back and held me close. “Then cum for me again.”

He massaged my g-spot until there was no holding back. I orgasmed hard, feeling my muscles shake. If he hadn’t been holding me so tight, I might have been brought to my knees when it rushed through my body. He didn’t stop moving his finger or his thumb. They stayed locked in position and he continued to pleasure me. As soon as the first orgasm was done, I felt the pressure building up again. It devoured me before I knew what was happening and second orgasm surged through my veins. My knees folded, but he kept supporting me with his powerful grasp. Once it was done, he slowly removed his finger and untied the ring-gag. My jaw hurt when it was removed. I had to flex my jaw several times to make it open and close properly.

“Am I forgiven?” I looked into his steel-colored eyes, searching for some semblance of kindness.

“Yes.” He nodded and helped me to the chair. “But now it is time for you to return to Angelina.”

“Will I see you again?” I felt fear on both sides of that question.

“Perhaps. It all depends on what you want. Angelina says you have many roads to walk before you will know what you truly want.” He nodded and sat down across from me. “I do hope you trust her enough to finish your journey.”

Wait, does that mean there’s more?



“Nate? Holy shit!” Eddie hopped up and walked over to give me a hug. “Fuck man, how long has it been—five years?”

“Six.” I returned his hug and laughed when I looked over his shoulder. “You have the same fucking couch in your garage?”

“Yeah, this is my man cave now. Want to smoke a bowl? I was just about to fire one up.” He stepped back and motioned for me to follow him.

“Nah, I try to stay away from that stuff.” I followed him into the garage and took a seat. “So how have you been? Did you end up going to college after you graduated?”

“Yeah.” He pulled some smoke into his lungs and held it for a second before exhaling. “I actually made it through a whole semester too before they kicked me out.”

“That sucks man, but I guess it isn’t easy to pass your classes when you’re high all the time.” I chuckled slightly.

> “Yeah, I came back here. My mom passed a few years ago. It’s just me and the old man now.” He sighed and took another hit.

“Sorry to heart that, bro.” My face grew solemn. “She was a good woman. She always gave me a place to stay when things were shit at home.”

“Yeah, that she was.” He nodded and exhaled. “So, tell me what you’ve been up to all these years? I mean shit, you rode out of here on your motorcycle and never looked back—until now I guess.”

I gave Eddie a rundown of the years I spent on the road, my time in South America, and told him the details he cared about the most—like how the drugs were everywhere and the women were smoking hot. By the time I was done with my story, he was finished with his bowl and already packing another one. He didn’t look like he had aged much in the time I had been away. He was still scrawny and had the exact same haircut, although his hair was longer than I remembered. The glow of youth had faded, but that was about it. I barely even recognized the man in the mirror compared to the kid I was back then. It was like my life had moved forward while his had been frozen in time.

“That sounds sweet, bro. Well hey, if you go back down there, you gotta take me with you!” He nodded enthusiastically.

“I don’t think I’m headed down there again.” I shook my head back and forth. “So, college didn’t work out, what else have you been up to?”

“Same old stuff, man. I’m still working at the grocery store. They tried to promote me to manager because I’ve been there longer than anyone else, but I didn’t want the hassle.” He shrugged and lit his bong again.

“Makes sense.” I nodded. “Well, it was good to see you man, I’ll stop by again soon.”

“Why are you back anyway? I thought you never wanted to see this place again after you left.” Eddie leaned forward and put his bong on the table.

“I’ve got some unfinished business here. I’m on my way to see my dad.” I stood and sighed.

“Have fun.” Eddie chuckled and waved.

Harmony might have been the catalyst for leaving Bakersfield, but she wasn’t the one that set it in motion. There was one man responsible for that, and he was a ghost from my past that I was ready to confront. He was a sad sack of shit when I left him and I doubted he had turned things around after I left. I wasn’t even sure if he was still alive, but I never saw an obituary. I checked periodically while I was away. Part of me hoped it would pop up one day, just so I could officially put the memory to rest.

I turned down my old street and passed houses that looked mostly the same, but a little more run down. When I got to my house, I was surprised to see that there was new siding on the house. My attention was immediately drawn to a tricycle sitting in the driveway next to the garage. I left the engine roaring for a second, because I was sure that he no longer lived there. I looked to the left and saw the car he used to drive sitting on blocks in the backyard. A few seconds later and a man emerged from the house. It couldn’t be him. There was no way. The broken down, beaten man I knew had been replaced with a healthier looking older version of him and he had some extra weight on his bones. He tilted his head to the side as I turned off the engine and removed my helmet.

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