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Seven Soulmates

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“Ethan, we need to talk—privately.” Violet stood up quickly and stared me down.

“Excuse me folks, we’ll be right back.” I held up my hand to try and calm the roar that was filling the room as they asked questions.

I knew it wasn’t fair to spring the situation on Violet without telling her about it, but I also knew she would have never agreed to it if we talked it through. She was devoted to me, and I loved her. We had just reached that point in our relationship where my flaws were overwhelming the passion we had when we first got together. I could feel the separation in my soul and I didn’t want to lose her. If the other guys weren’t really her soulmates and it was just a bug in the algorithm, then it meant our relationship was founded on the same error. If that was the case, then she deserved to know it. If they really were her soulmates, then she deserved to know that as well. Either way, she deserved more than what I was able to give her.

“What the hell, Ethan?” Violet turned to me in anger the second we closed the door to one of the side rooms. “Why did you bring all of those guys her


“I love you, Violet.” I walked up and took her hands, but she pulled away. “We both know I’m not giving you everything you need in this relationship.”

“We’re making it work.” She folded her arms across my chest when I tried to take her hands again. “No relationship is perfect.”

“But shouldn’t it be?” I tilted my head. “If we’re really soulmates, shouldn’t it be everything we need?”

“Is this some fetish? Are you into cuckolding or something?” Her eyebrows came together as she spoke and I could see her face turning red.

“No, it’s nothing like that.” I shook my head back and forth. “This is all about you—this is all about us.”

“So, you expect me to what—sleep with all of these guys?” She tilted her head in confusion. “Are you breaking up with me? I don’t understand.”

“If the algorithm worked, then every guy in there is your soulmate. If it didn’t work, then the relationship we built was founded on a mistake.” I regretted those words the minute I said them.

“A mistake?” She took a step back and stared at me like I had slapped her.

“I don’t believe it is a mistake. I’m not saying that our relationship is a mistake in any sense of the word. I’m just saying that if your algorithm worked, then I’m not the only soulmate you have. I don’t want to break up with you at all. I want you to have everything you need.” I moved closer and put my hand on her arm. She didn’t pull away.

“What I felt when you kissed me was no mistake.” She unfolded her arms and slowly took my hand. “I still feel it every time we are together—when we get those moments.”

“That’s my point. We don’t get those moments very often. My life will never be uncomplicated. PrinceSoft will dominate my days, control most of my nights, and take me away from when you need me. You’ve seen that. It’s been our life for the last year. I know you need more.” I squeezed her hand.

“You would be willing to share me before you would be willing to lose me?” Her face tensed up and I saw a tear in her eye.

“I’d be willing to do anything not to lose you.” I felt a tear in my eye as well. “This isn’t easy for me. You know I have a very dominant personality. Put me in the room with anyone and I’m always going to be the alpha male. It’s just who I am. This feels so different. I can’t even explain it. I cherish the time we have together, and if this arrangement works, then we’ll always have those moments.”

“I believe this is the point in a relationship when most guys would get down on one knee and try to knock their girlfriend up to lock them down.” Her lips slowly turned into a smile. “Your approach is rather unorthodox.”

“What about us has ever been orthodox?” I exhaled sharply and smiled.

“Okay.” Violet nodded and walked to the door, pulling it open slowly until there was a crack of light. “I’m willing to give it a shot, but we need some rules.”

“Name them.” I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“First, I’m not just going to walk out there and start fucking six other guys. I want to spend time with each one of them and figure out if we have a connection.” She leaned back into my embrace.

“That makes sense.” I nodded and kissed her neck.

“Second, if I do decide that I want to take things further, it can’t ruin what we have. If you’re not one-hundred percent onboard with this, then you have to let me know now. If I feel like it is getting weird or things between us have changed, I’m walking.” She sighed and I felt her shiver beneath my lips.

“That’s fair.” I nodded again. “I want what is best for you.”

“I want to meet the guy in the black t-shirt first.” She pointed through the crack in the door. “He looks rough. That might be an interesting change.”

“Oh, am I not rough enough for you?” I smirked and gave her a smack on the ass.

“You know what I mean.” She smiled and turned towards me.

“Yeah, I see what you’re saying.” I nodded and stared at the guy. “Okay, I’ll bring him over.”

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