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Seven Soulmates

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“I guess I had the right motivation with prison hanging over my head.” I left out the part about getting extra motivation across Ethan’s knee.

“I’m gonna be honest.” Gary lifted his beer to his lips. “If I met you at a bar or something, this is the part where I’d be asking you out on a date. You’re beautiful, talented, and I like talking with you.”

“Plus your dog likes me.” I smiled wide.

“Yeah, that definitely helps.” Gary chuckled and sipped his beer again. “But, if I’m being completely honest, I’m not sure that a relationship is the best move for me. I don’t have any feelings left for Wendy, but the wound is still fresh.”

“I can understand that.” I nodded and reached for my wine. “Want to watch a movie and talk through the good parts?”

“That sounds perfect.” He reached for the remote and joined me on the couch.

I didn’t feel like I needed to have sex with Gary to know that we had a connection. It went deeper than that. We found a comedy and laughed while pointing out every flaw in the story. That used to annoy the hell out of my friends when we would go to the movies, but Gary seemed to love it. He even picked up flaws that I didn’t see myself. By the end of the movie, we were laughing more at each other than the comedy presented on the screen. Gary put his arm around me and I snuggled close to him. I wanted to take it further, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment we had if he wasn’t ready.

“So, who’s sleeping on the couch tonight?” I looked up at him and smiled.

“Am I being friend zoned?” He chuckled and traced my arm with his fingers.

“No, I’d love to share the bed with you, even if nothing happens. I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” I sighed and leaned up from his embrace. “It’s totally up to you.”

“I don’t think I could be uncomfortable with you. Maybe I spoke too soon when I said I wasn’t ready. You’re incredible.” He leaned forward and put his hand on the back of my head before leaning in for a kiss.

I was beginning to wonder if it was possible for me to actually kiss someone and not feel an explosion. Gary didn’t have the same passion or roughness that the others hand. It was a sweet, gentle kiss that started off slow before building to a bang. Instead of feeling horny and wanting to immediately get his clothes off, I felt like I could just kiss him forever and stay trapped in that moment. He pushed me back towards the couch slowly, never breaking the seal that our lips formed. He put his hand on my hip, slightly underneath my t-shirt where I could feel his fingers on my skin, and continued to kiss me. When he finally pulled his lips from mine, I was seeing stars.

“Okay, so this is the part of the movie where they faded to black, so I’m not sure what happens now. The credits are rolling.” His lip twisted into a half-smile.

“Yeah, but we’re a little overdressed for the credits.” I pulled on his shirt.

Our clothes came off slowly, kissing for long periods of time between each piece of clothing that hit the floor beside the couch. I really liked Gary’s gentleness. He was the kind of guy I could have an incredible date with and make love to. I started to wonder if perhaps that was his role as my soulmate. I didn’t have that with Ethan. He was so busy that it was rather explosive when it finally happened. Boyd was rough, but satisfied with just a little bit of pleasure while he chased a quick release. Miguel was an unhinged beast that wanted to destroy what he fucked. I couldn’t imagine Gary being the type to spank me, pull my hair, or consider trying to fuck me in the ass. There were times when I needed something like that, and I definitely needed it after Miguel wrecked my whole body the night before.

“God, how could anyone treat you badly?” I drew quick breaths after our lips parted. “I can’t imagine someone being that cruel.”

“That’s what happens to nice guys in this world.” He shrugged and sighed.

“Not in my world.” I pulled him closer and smiled when he started to slide between my thighs.

Gary entered me slowly and leaned forward for a kiss once his hips started to grind. It was sensual, methodical, and it turned me on in a way that I hadn’t felt with any of the other guys. I didn’t ask him to go faster or harder, the pace was absolutely perfect. It was exactly what I needed in that moment. Our bodies moved together in harmony, like sweet passion building to bliss. His cock was a tease against my g-spot, and it heightened the pleasure in a way I never imagined. I moaned, but it wasn’t the kind that felt like it was being ripped from my throat. It was gentle and pleasant.

“You don’t even know how amazing this feels.” I looked into his eyes and sighed with a smile on my face.

“I like to savor the moment.” His face tightened as he went deep.

It was nearly two hours of absolute bliss before I felt the pressure building towards my first orgasm. I had gotten close several times, but his methodical thrusts weren’t enough to push me over the edge. When I felt it finally starting to happen, I realized that the constant teasing had created something powerful inside me. When I finally did start to orgasm, it was like my entire body became absorbed in his embrace. I felt my pussy start to squeeze his cock and the spasms were more intense than they had been before. They sent Gary over the edge as well and I heard him gasp for the first time as his cock pulsated. He started to cum and it was like a geyser. He ejaculated longer than anyone I had been with up to that point. He filled my pussy with

so much cum that it couldn’t even hold his load. My entire labia was covered in his seed before he was finally done.

“Wow...” I stared up at the ceiling and shook my head. “That was one hell of a build-up, but it was more than worth it.”

“I like the journey more than the destination.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “Most women don’t like it that slow.”

“This woman does.” I smiled and nodded. “I like it a lot.”

I felt more connected to Gary than I had been to Boyd or Miguel when we finally crawled into bed and I started to drift off to sleep in his arms. I felt like he needed me. His unique bedroom desires were the polar opposite of what I was used to, but they were an amazing contrast. When we woke up the next day, we were in no hurry to get to the airport. We lay in bed together and talked for a while before I found myself craving him one more time before we left. It lasted nearly as long as our time together the night before, and it was the same sensual build towards bliss. It was noon before we finally finished and showered so we could go to the airport.

This is one trip I’ll never forget.

Chapter 13: Kurt

Two years ago

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