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Seven Soulmates

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Miguel had managed to last a lot longer our first time together, but I felt his cock start to pulsate and I knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer. He drove his cock deep, and the combination of his dick in my ass while Boyd thrust himself into my pussy was enough to send me over the edge again. My body convulsed and I heard Miguel growl. He started to unload in my ass while I orgasmed. Body’s cock throbbed, but he didn’t cum. M

iguel deposited every drop of his seed in my asshole and then slowly withdrew himself. Boyd carried me to the couch once Miguel was done and took a seat, letting me sink down onto his cock.

“I’ve never done this before...” I heard Gary’s voice and then I felt his fingers on my ass.

“Do it.” I looked over my shoulder and smiled. “Fuck me in the ass.”

Gary was a gentle lover. He was so slow and methodical when he fucked me the first time. His eyes reflected intrigue as he explored my ass with his fingers and then I felt him start to push his cock inside me. I leaned towards the back of the couch and started pleasuring the twins with my mouth again. Boyd used his powerful muscles to bounce me and that caused me to slide on his shaft while also getting drilled by Gary. It wasn’t long until I felt another orgasm surging. The two twins were hard as rocks and I could tell they were getting dangerously close, even though they had only tasted my mouth.

“So good.” Boyd let out a loud gasp. “I’m gonna cum!”

Boyd started to erupt inside my pussy. He sent me over the edge and the pleasure consumed me. My body vibrated and shook. The momentum seemed to be more than Gary could handle. I felt him throb in my ass and he started to ejaculate. Both of them unloaded at the same time and it carried me from one orgasm to the next. Watching it seemed to be more than the twins could handle. I took Alex deep in my throat and he started to erupt. My hand stroked Ben and within a few seconds, I felt him showering my face with his seed. I was drenched in cum, filled with it, and choking on the thickness. I had never felt anything that amazing in my life. I slumped forward on the couch, feeling the four of them pull away.

“I guess that just leaves me and you, babe.” Ethan’s voice broke through the exhaustion I felt. “Just like it was when this started.”

“I love you.” I turned over on the couch and smiled. “Why didn’t you join in?”

“I felt like having you to myself when the rest were done.” He walked up and lifted my legs.

Ethan dropped down between my thighs and started driving his cock into my pussy. I was weak from what I had done with the others and the multiple orgasms that ravaged my body. Ethan simply took me. He fucked me so hard the couch creaked underneath us. I saw others getting excited by what they saw, stroking their cocks back to life again. Kurt was the first one to ejaculate for the second time, sending his seed all over the floor. Ethan was like thunder inside me, making electricity surge through my whole body. I felt another orgasm getting close when he started to throb, and when he unloaded, I was locked in absolute bliss.

“This feels amazing!” I wrapped my arms around him and kept him deep while he ejaculated inside me.

A couple of the other guys finished themselves off before we were done for the evening. I wasn’t sure who decided to cover my breasts with their cum, but both of my nipples were wet when they were done. Ethan picked me up and carried my exhausted body upstairs. They ran a bath, washed me from head to toe, and then put me in Ethan’s bed. I was so tired that I knew it wouldn’t take me long to go to sleep. I was content, knowing I had satisfied all seven of my wonderful men. I knew it would be a while before I got a chance to have all seven of them again, but I was content knowing that they were devoted to me entirely, regardless of what separated us.

Epilogue: Violet

Six months later

“If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were trying to tire me out before Alex and Ben came home.” I reached out with one hand grazing Ethan and another one grazing Miguel.

“They aren’t the only ones that wore you out.” Boyd leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“You asked for it.” Miguel chuckled. “Those baby hormones have turned you into a sex machine.”

“Not that we’re complaining.” Kurt grinned as he sat up.

I wasn’t showing yet, but the pregnancy test confirmed that I was expecting. I was worried that the baby would start some sort of war between the guys to figure out who was responsible, but everyone seemed content with raising the baby as the newest member of our family. We still hadn’t been able to tell Alex and Ben, but we had something special planned for them when they got back to the mansion. My hormones were going crazy, and it was a good thing I had so many willing guys at my disposal, because I had never been so horny.

“Sammy! Slow down! No, don’t go in there!” I heard Gary’s voice before his footsteps echoed on the stairs.

Sammy came running into the room and jumped on the bed. All of the guys scurried and started throwing pillows over the wet spots. Sammy hopped in my lap, one second after I got a sheet wrapped around me. He licked my face for a couple of seconds and then curled up against my stomach. He had been doing that for a while, even before I knew I was pregnant. I ran my fingers through his fur and smiled. Gary came in apologetic as he crawled onto the bed and reached for Sammy.

“I’m sorry, I tried to stop him.” He put his hands on Sammy but I shook my head before he could lift the shaggy haired dog.

“No, let him stay. He’s just protecting his future brother or sister.

“He’s going to be a good guardian.” Gary sat down on the bed and smiled.

“Yes, this baby will have the best family in the world.” I nodded and petted Sammy.

It wasn’t a contentional family, but it was the family I wanted. I had seven wonderful men that loved me. They would all love our baby and take care of us no matter what. I had a life that most would would never dream of having. I knew that regardless of what issues came up, we would meet them head on. It was more than I could have ever asked for. I patted Sammy and ran my fingers through his fur. I had found my place in the world—with seven delicious men who loved me—and one shaggy dog that might just love me more.

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