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Five Masks of Sin (Haremworld)

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Chapter 1: Lyric

“You’re really going to do this?” My sister, Muse, peered at me from the bed as I typed my information in the website I had loaded on my screen.

“I’ve wanted to go to the World Ball since I was a little girl.” I rapidly moved my fingers across the keyboard. “I’m finally twenty-one, or at least I will be when the event is held.”

“I honestly thought you would grow out of it. Lyric, that place sounded romantic when we were kids, but it isn’t all glitz and glamour.” She moved to the edge of the bed so she could speak in a hushed voice. “You know people are basically just hooking up at this thing, right?”

“What’s wrong with that?” I looked over my shoulder and grinned.

“Well, for starters—you’re still a virgin.” She continued speaking in a hushed tone. “I don’t think many virgins go to the World Ball.”

“Mom and Dad met at the World Ball. Look how happy they are.” I put my hand over my heart. “I want that kind of love.”

“Maybe you should see what love is about before you settle down with the first guy that you let in your panties.” She sighed and shook her head. “I still haven’t found the right guy and I’m almost thirty.”

“I’ve waited my whole life for this. I’m not missing my opportunity.” I finished typing my details into the website, loaded a head shot, and hit the submit button.

My parents had the kind of love and romance I had always dreamed of finding. The World Ball brought them together, and I hoped lightning could strike twice for our family. Muse was more of a free spirit. She was sexually active by the time she got to high school and her pregnancy scare at sixteen made my parents pay a lot closer attention to who I spent my time with. I was one step above sheltered and I wasn’t allowed to go on any dates that weren’t chaperoned. They even gave me a curfew when I started college, although they loosened the reins a little bit once I turned eighteen.

“What are you going to tell our parents? You can’t very well tell them you’re heading off to New York for the World Ball. They’ll put the brakes on that plan real quick.” She chuckled and leaned back on the bed. “Do you really have it in you to lie to them?”

“No, I’m not going to lie. I’m going to tell the truth. If they try to stop me from going to the World Ball, then they are hypocrites.” I closed my laptop and turned to face her. “They’re not going to say no.”

“I think you’re wrong.” Muse chuckled. “Dad didn’t even let you go to any of the graduation parties.”

“They don’t want me living with them until I’m thirty.” I stood to my feet and hopped on the bed next to my sister. “I mean, they already have one disastrously unmarried daughter. Surely they want grandkids at some point.”

“You bitch!” Muse sat up and pushed my shoulder. “They weren’t very excited about the prospect of grandkids when I was sixteen!”

“Yeah, cause you were sixteen!” I laughed and pushed her with a little more force.

“It’s too bad too, because I would have made very beautiful babies with Adam.” She pulled away before I could push her a second time.

“Well, now you’ll just have to settle on being the world’s greatest aunt.” I leaned over on my elbows. “Because I’m going to make beautiful babies with whatever hot guy I meet at the World Ball.”

We continued teasing each other for several minutes before I had to leave for work. My part-time job didn’t bring in a lot of money, but I had managed to pad my savings account a little bit since I was still living at home. College was over for the summer and I had cleared my schedule so I could attend the World Ball. I was being a little presumptuous since I wasn’t sure I would even get accepted, but I felt like it was destiny. There had to be a reason I hadn’t found love yet. I fantasized about meeting someone amazing that proved love at first sight wasn’t just isolated to my parents. They were so incredibly happy and I just wanted that kind of love.

How could I not want something so special? The only reason I’m here is because of the World Ball.

I spent several days going to work and checking my email as soon as I got home. I kept waiting for a response—any response. When it finally came, I was nervous. If they rejected me, I wouldn’t be able to apply again until the following year. If they accepted me, I was going to have to tell my parents I applied for a spot because I couldn’t consider going without telling them. My nerves were shot before I ever clicked the email, but when I finally opened, I practically fell out of my chair. My application was accepted. I had an invitation. The email contained my login information and when I clicked the link to the website, I saw a mask staring back at me. I put in my information and the screen lit up with my invitation to the Masquerade of Sin.

The theme this year is Masquerade of Sin—well, that’s not going to inspire any confidence with my parents.

“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” MY mother leaned against the kitchen table and her face was flushed with anger.

“Lyric, you can’t do something like this without telling us first!” My father had the same reflection of anger as his voice echoed through the kitchen.

“You guys met at the World Ball! How can you be upset with me for wanting something like that?” I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I looked back and forth between them.

“That was a different time.” My mother shook her head angrily. “The World Ball used to be a special event. Now it’s just a gratuitous sex party. It’s a giant orgy!”

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