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Five Masks of Sin (Haremworld)

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“I’ll transfer the invitation to you, just in case.” He grinned and handed me my shirt.

I had no intention of going to the World Ball, but a few days later I got the notification that the invitation had been transferred. When I clicked on the link, it said that based on my income level, I was selected to not only get a free room in New York, but they would also pay for a plane ticket. Apparently living off the land and keeping most of my money under my mattress had given them the idea I was as poor as the dirt my cabin was built on. I might not have had much interest in the World Ball, but I had always wanted to see New York. I had never even been outside the state of Kentucky, and the patriot in me wanted to see the Statue of Liberty at least once before I died.

I guess I’m going to New York.

“SIR, THIS IS A MASQUERADE. You’re supposed to wear a mask.” The man at the door tilted his head as he stared me down.

“A mask?” I grunted. “I don’t have a mask.”

“You went to the trouble of creating this... lumberjack look and you didn’t even get a mask?” He tilted is head in the other direction.

“Ugh, fine.” I pulled up my flannel shirt and ripped off part of my white undershirt. “I’ll make a mask.”

Lumberjack look? This is what I wear every day...

I stabbed a couple of eye holes in the strip of fabric and tied it around my head. The man at the door looked a little flabbergasted, but he allowed me to enter the ballroom. The music was too loud, the people were absolutely hideous, and the only thing that drew my attention was the bar. I carved my way through the crowd until I had a stool and ripped the rag off my head. I asked the bartender for a beer and guzzled it once he brought one over. I turned on my stool and stared at the crowd, which seemed to be very involved in their dancing. I definitely wasn’t going to be joining them. I had managed to avoid the ballroom for two straight days, but after I found out the event was going to last a week, I figured I should at least see what they were paying for me to attend.

“Quite a sight, isn’t it?” A man several seats over turned to me.

“What are you supposed to be? A peacock?” I raised my eyebrows when I turned my head towards him.

“Something like that.” He chuckled. “A bird of paradise.”

“It looks like a peacock to me.” I chuckled and sipped my beer.

“Your accent, you’re from the south?” The man lifted his eyebrows and scanned my attire with a quick look.

“Kentucky.” I nodded. “What about you?”

“Italy.” He smiled. “My name’s Maximo.”

“Lenny.” I tipped the top of my beer in his direction. “Nice to meet you.”

“Lenny? Is that short for Leonardo?” He sipped his drink and smirked.

“No, it’s just Lenny.” I glared at him slightly. “My parents weren’t fancy enough to add an O.”

“I see.” He nodded. “So, I haven’t seen you in here before tonight. Did you get here late?”

“No.” I shook my head back and forth. “I was sightseeing. I ran out of shit I wanted to see, so I figured I’d check this place out.”

“Interesting.” He tilted his head. “You came all the way here for the World Ball and haven’t even bothered to come?”

“I didn’t come for the World Ball.” I snorted and took a sip of my beer. “My brother gave me his invitation. I just came because it was free.”

I noticed Maximo’s eyes shift towards the dance floor and I followed his gaze. His eyes were locked on the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. A woman stepped to the edge of the crowd wearing a long black dress and a black feathered mask. I had no idea what she was supposed to be, bu

t she reminded me of a crow. I had never seen a woman like that back in Kentucky. She practically took my breath away. She stood out like a beacon in the crowd and when she walked, it was like the world froze on her and every spotlight was meant to cast a reflective glow on her gorgeous form.

“That’s Lyric.” Maximo noticed my stare and pointed.

“Lyric? She’s a whole fucking song.” I closed my mouth once I realized my jaw was literally drooping.

“She’s that and a whole lot more.” Maximo nodded and smiled. “Would you like to dance with her?”

“I—don’t really dance.” I shook my head back and forth. “But I don’t think a girl like that wants a guy like me. She looks like your type, though. Why don’t you go dance with her?”

“I’ve already danced with her and did a little more than that.” He chuckled and smiled. “Maybe you’d like to just skip dancing and join the two of us in my suite.”

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