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Five Masks of Sin (Haremworld)

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“The details of the Massaro Trust were sealed until your twenty-fifth birthday, but don’t worry, you have five years to find a wife and produce an heir.” He ran his fingers down the page. “After that, the trust goes to the oldest living Massaro in your family.”

“Which of course—is my fucking stepmother!” I roared and stood up. “I need a drink, want one?”

“Yeah, I do.” He nodded and exhaled sharply. “Your grandfather was a peculiar man. He believed in family and making sure the Massaro name was carried on. This doesn’t surprise me, even if we didn’t know about it.”

My grandfather had pushed me into a corner and I could practically see the old man cackling in his grave as I found out the conditions of my birthright. He had been preaching the importance of family since I was a boy. His only son, my father, had lived a rather wild life. It was unlikely that I was his only son, even if I was the only one that bore the Massaro name. The agreement was designed to revert to trust to my father if I didn’t meet my grandfather’s conditions, but he didn’t live long enough to find that out. His wild life took him down a road that was filled with drugs, and they claimed him before I was a teenager. The oldest living Massaro in our family wasn’t even a blood relative—it was the bitch he married one weekend in Vegas on the tail end of a bender.

“Surely we can fight this. I would rather see the trust go to my aunt or one of my sisters. Hell, even my mother deserves it before that Vegas whore!” I sat down and pushed a drink over to Conrad.

“Your grandfather was a sexist prick. You realize that, right? Your mother remarried. Your aunt has been married longer than you’ve been alive. Even your sisters are married. None of them carry the family name.” He shrugged his shoulders and lifted his glass. “I guess that is why your grandfather set it up like this. It specifically says the person that the fortune passes to must carry the Massaro name.”

“Fuck it.” I shook my head back and forth. “I’ll just find some old hag on death’s door and marry her. She’ll inherit the money and when she dies, it’ll pass to me.”

“I mean—that’s one plan.” He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “But it’s risky. What if she divorces you before she dies? Then you’re fighting anyone that has a claim to her estate. You might get some of it, but there’s no way you’ll keep the trust intact.”

“Surely there are some childless old widows out there.” I grumbled and snarled as I stared at my whiskey.

“You’ve got five years to find a woman and fall in love.” He took a sip of his whiskey and looked over at me. “Why are you in such a rush?”

“I get an allowance, which is more than generous, but I want to do something with this money. It’s been collecting dust, and interest, but the one-percent get such a bad rap. I want to be one of the good guys that actually tries to better the world. Doctors Without Borders, Space-X, you know what I’m talking about—the kind of stuff that makes humanity bette

r.” I lifted my glass and sighed as I took a drink.

“Then maybe there’s an alternative.” He picked up his tablet and loaded something before turning it to me. “The World Ball.”

“That’s just a big orgy.” I scoffed and shook my head. “I’ve had enough of those for a while. I’m ready to grow up.”

“Yeah, it can be, but not everyone there is just looking to hook up. There are plenty of women looking for someone to settle down with. One of my cousins met his wife there and they are the happiest couple you’ll ever meet.” He tapped the button for the application page. “What do you have to lose?”

“Maybe you’re right.” I took the tablet from him. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt...”

I signed up for the World Ball, even though I wasn’t sure I could actually meet anyone there. I remembered stories about it being a grandiose affair at one point, but like most things that fell into the hands of my generation, it had lost the luster it once had. A few days later, I got a confirmation email, but only if I donated. They weren’t asking for much, considering the disposable income my allowance provided, so I gave them what they wanted. A few after it cleared my bank account, I got a confirmation with an invitation to what they called the Masquerade of Sin.

Okay, I guess I’m going to have to find a costume.

I DECIDED TO ATTEND the Masquerade of Sin as a phoenix. I was the phoenix of the Massaro family, trying to rise above the ashes of the ridiculous trust agreement my grandfather had left behind when he died. The opening ceremony was interesting, but I stepped back from the dance floor once the World Ball was officially underway. I didn’t want any of the girls that rushed to the dance floor. They were too desperate. I looked around the room until my eyes found a woman dressed in a gorgeous blue dress. The sequins sparkled in the lights that spun around the room.

A mermaid and a phoenix—why not?

I tossed out the cheesiest pick-up like I could come up with, but she took my hand let me lead her out to the dance floor. We arrived right as the music slowed down and I wrapped my arm around her waist. She wasn’t a great dancer, but she let me take the lead. I pulled her through the beats of the song and felt captivated by her deep blue eyes. My hands drifted down to her hips and even though I didn’t want to look away from her eyes, I couldn’t help but admire her beautiful body as I pulled her close to me. She was simply enchanting and as we danced, I completely forgot why I was there. I just wanted to be in that moment—with her.

“You’re beautiful.” I squeezed her hips and moved my hands around to the curve of her ass.

“I’m not that kind of girl.” She pulled my hands back up to her hips. “Even if you are hot.”

“I’m hot, am I?” I grinned and spun her for a second, letting her extend to the length of my arm before I pulled her back.

“You’re a phoenix—of course you’re hot.” She smiled and bit down on her bottom lip.

“Oh, that’s cute.” I chuckled and nodded. “I’m Maximo, by the way.”

“I’m a mermaid. Nobody gave me a name.” The beat of the song caused us to spin.

“Come on, tell me your name.” I laughed and pulled her close again. “Otherwise I’m going to kiss you.”

“Tell you my name or get kissed.” She wrinkled her nose and smiled.

I took her hesitation as an invitation. The music died down and as the lights started to get brighter, I crushed her lips beneath mine. Her luscious, soft lips felt like they were made to be kissed. I pushed my tongue onto her mouth and she slapped my shoulder a couple of times, but then she melted into my arms. My whole body raged with desire. The masquerade had barely started and I was already enamored by a delicious mermaid that seemed to draw me in like a siren. The music started again and I pulled away, staring into her eyes, which reflected the same sense of confusion that was etched on my face.

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