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Seven Beasts (Haremworld)

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“Excalibur...” My eyes opened wide. “You have to be the one to stop her.”

“No.” He shook his head. “This isn’t Excalibur. I can no longer wield it.”

“I saw you with it in my dreams. I saw the indigo blade.” I leaned forward. “You were holding it.”

“You saw what I wanted you to see. But before I tell you about the sword, you need to know what became of the man who used to wield it. You need to know the truth—about who the witch really is.” He looked around the room.

Chapter 17: King Arthur

456 AD

“It is a glorious day, my king.” My trusted adviser, Merlin, walked out onto the balcony.

“Because of you, and Excalibur.” I turned to him and smiled. “You were right when you convinced me to pull the sword from the stone and take back my birthright. Now, I am marrying the beautiful Guinevere and we have an eternity of peace in front of us.”

“My mirrors tell me of another fate, one that may not be so peaceful. A darkness looms over Camelot and there may be a time when you must wield Excalibur once more.” Merlin’s tone was grim. “I wish I had better news for the future, but like I said, today is a glorious day.”

“Thank you, old friend.” I put my hand on his shoulder and walked back into the castle.

Growing up as a street urchin with no hope of a future wasn’t easy. I never knew that it was preparing me for a future as king. I didn’t know my birthright then and I certainly didn’t know what fate would bring. When the wizard found me and convinced me to follow him into the mountains, I thought he was an old fool I would rob for what wealth he had. Little did I know that it would change my life and set me on a path to claim the destiny I had been denied. When I walked into Camelot and pulled the sword from the stone, I started a revolution. The people united behind me and I overthrew the dark magician, Mordred. Since then, there had been peace. I had been able to build my kingdom, reward the twelve knights of the round table, and plan my wedding. My most loyal knight, Lancelot,

would be by my side when I said my vows. Everything seemed to be perfect. If there was a darkness looming over Camelot, then I believed we would be able to defeat it. Our legacy would last generations—our legend would be forever.

“DO YOU, KING ARTHUR...” The priest began reciting the lines that would end with us as husband and wife.

Guinevere was the daughter of a lord that helped me when I was a street urchin. I was poor and hungry, just trying to survive. He gave me food, provided me with shelter, and taught me how to fight. I had no idea what he saw in me at the time, but I later learned that he knew my lineage and he was one of the men who had sworn to protect me when my parents were murdered. I had been in love with his daughter since I was a young boy. Her beauty captivated me and made me feel something nobody had ever been able to replicate. I never considered myself worthy of her touch and I certainly didn’t expect to be the one she wed. Perhaps her father always knew that we would be together—he never discouraged my affection for her—even when I was in no position to give it.

When fate gave me the gift of the crown, I knew she would be the one I chose as my wife. It was love in the purest form. Her veil covered her beauty, but I didn’t need to see her face—it was etched in my very soul. The priest’s words droned on, but I knew how it would end. I couldn’t wait to raise the veil and see the face of my beloved as my wife. When he was finally done, I pushed the veil from her face and stared into her beautiful emerald eyes—they were enchanting.

“MORDRED’S FORCES HAVE gathered on the Plains of Camlann.” Percival tapped a map that was on the table in front of us. “He plans to attack Camelot.”

“He shouldn’t have any power. We took the crown from him—how was he able to build an army like this?” I put both hands on the table and sighed.

“This is very dark magic.” Merlin shook his head back and forth. “It is more powerful than I am. I’m afraid I will be of little use to you on the battlefield, but with Excalibur, you should be able to defeat him again.”

“Then we march.” I turned to my knights. “Tomorrow, we start our march to Camlann and when we arrive in three days time, we end this once and for all.”

“Yes, sire!” Percival nodded enthusiastically and clenched the hilt of his sword in his scabbard.

It had been two years since my wedding. I was anxious for an heir, but Guinevere hadn’t been bestowed with the gift of motherhood, despite our attempts. It was putting pressure on us and as much as I loved her, I wasn’t anxious to return to our chamber after meeting with the war council. I knew I should. It could be weeks before the battle was done and we were reunited again, but our relationship had gotten strained due to our struggles to produce an heir. I decided to stay with my knights. I poured drinks once the battle strategy was done and we sat the round table drinking, talking about the upcoming battle. Lancelot was normally the one to drink us all under the table, but he wasn’t feeling it that night, so he decided to retire early. Once my vision was blurry and my words were slurred, I decided it was time to sleep it off. The other knights elected to stay behind, anxious to see who could last the longest without Lancelot at the table. I walked down the hallway to the northern wing of the castle, pausing to hold the wall when the buzz got too strong. When I got close to my room, I heard the sounds of heavy breathing and moaning. That snapped me right back to sobriety and I pushed the door open in confusion.

“Oh, Lancelot—harder!” I heard my wife’s words.

“I love you...” The man on top of her muttered.

“What the bloody hell...” I stared at the sight and my eyes opened wide. “You’ve betrayed me—you’ve both betrayed me!”

“Sire!” Lancelot immediately jumped to his feet with fear in his eyes. “I...”

“Guards!” My voice echoed down the hallway and I heard the sound of armor on stone as they approached. “Arrest Sir Lancelot—he has defiled the queen!”

“Yes, sire!” The guards entered the room and took Lancelot into custody.

“Arthur, I’m sorry...” Lancelot looked at me and shook his head as he was escorted out of my chamber.

“Have I really failed you this badly? Do you want an heir to this kingdom so much that you would invite my most loyal knight into your bed?” I glared at Guinevere as she wrapped a sheet around her body.

“Arthur...” Her lips trembled. “I’m in love with Lancelot. I know I’m supposed to love you—you’re my husband—you’re my king. I can’t help what my heart wants. I care deeply for both of you.”

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