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Seven Beasts (Haremworld)

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He pulled back from my lips and I could see the storm raging in his eyes. His blue eyes lit up like the heavens on a stormy night as the lighting surged through his body. He was close, but he still wasn’t forcing his body to chase the release I knew he craved. My second orgasm began with little warning, tightening on his cock until it took even more force to keep pushing it deep inside me. My head flew back and my lips parted with a scream that made my whole body vibrate. I felt pleasure consume me and take me to another realm of excitement. A second orgasm still wasn’t enough for the man who once wielded Excalibur. His cock moved almost as fast as the lightning I could see in his eyes and the sound of his hips slamming between my thighs was like thunder against the stone walls surrounding us.

He was going to make me cum again and if that one wasn’t enough to make him feel the sweetness of bliss, he was going to do it another time. My body was exhausted, but the fire wouldn’t die out in his embrace. He wasted little time driving my body to the point of a third orgasm and when I started to cum, I thought my muscles were going to collapse my bones with the fury of their release. Another scream lifted from my lips and he started to kiss around them, sucking on the bottom one while I felt it tremble.

“There’s nothing left...” I felt my lips go numb and my body started to follow as the feeling of exhaustion swept over me.

“I’m not done with you.” He shook his head. “I will show you that the legend in your mind is nothing compared to the man who holds you in his arms.”

I thought there was no way he could go faster, but I was wrong. It was almost like his body became a blur, heightened by the fact that my eyes were practically glazed over from the pleasure I had felt. I was sure my body was done—completely spent with nothing left to offer either of us but the desire he craved. I was wrong. He kept his body moving against mine until I felt another orgasm start to build. His cock throbbed to the point I thought he was finally going to release his seed inside of me, but he was still holding back the satisfaction he craved. The feeling of his pulsating cock against my g-spot was more than I could endure without a physical reaction. The orgasm was like fire in my veins, forcing the tired muscles to once against taste the sweet surrender of his embrace. My abdomen twisted in knots for a moment and then the release came once more. It was so powerful that my eyes rolled back in my head and all I saw were stars. My lips tried to form words, to accompany the bliss with a verbal response, but he engulfed them with his. I felt pillaged, ravaged beyond the point of repair—but the lust in Arthur’s body was still unsatisfied.

“Now you’re ready to bring my pleasure to life.” He pulled from my lips and kissed my neck.

My readiness didn’t seem to matter. I had been ready time and time again before he sent me to a stratosphere of pleasure while his simply simmered. I felt his cock throbbing with more intensity and pulsating inside me. It refused to let me simply satisfy him. It brought life back to my ragged frame like I had been resurrected from the dead. My eyes came back into focus and I felt like I was on a cloud of bliss with Arthur’s storm touching every nerve in my body. His hips started to shift in an erratic fashion and he roared as he went deep. The first explosion of his cum inside of me was more than my body could handle without another passion-fueled reaction of pleasure. I orgasmed again while he unloaded his manhood inside of me. It seemed to make him cum even harder as his hips pulled back and drove his cock in deep for another explosion. He held himself there and I felt the muscles in my pussy massaging his cock with my spasms while he continued to release the last of his passion. When he was spent, he fell onto the bed beside me, wrapping his hand around mine and squeezing it tight before he pulled me against his muscled chest.

“You truly do make me feel like a man again...” He leaned his head against my neck.

“Tomorrow we figure out how to break this curse once and for all.” My eyes closed and a sigh raised from my lips. “But tonight, all I can think of is sleep.”

“If we can’t, then I have found the happiness I lost all those years ago.” He kissed my check and left his lips pressed against me.

Chapter 19: Alexander

What started as one night with the amazing Anabelle had blossomed into something I never imagined. She had saved my life and then we had almost died trying to recapture the freedom we lost at the hand of the witch—which we finally knew as the woman who once wed King Arthur. Guinevere had been alive longer than any of us could have understood before we met the man who owned the castle and learned it was the fabled Camelot. I had never thought to start breaking down walls while I was in the castle. I found what I needed and stayed within the confines. To think that there was someone else there behind the wall the entire time was a strange feeling. I understood his reason for hiding, but there were a lot of lonely nights when I would have loved to hear a friendly voice. I didn’t know if I would have blamed him back when I first arrived, but I didn’t have any despair towards him after learning the reason for the curse. Arthur had given us permission to look around the area he had been inhabiting and I was mesmerized by the riches. Even in my day it would have been worth more than most men could have accumulated in a lifetime.

“Have you tried to pull Excalibur from the stone?” Anabelle walked into Arthur’s room and stared at the sword.

“My heart isn’t innocent enough for that.” I walked to the legendary sword and wrapped my hand around the hilt.

“We should all try, just to make sure the answer isn’t closer than we realize.” Anabelle nodded to me.

“Here goes...” I pulled with all my might until I could feel my temples vibrating, but I couldn’t even budge it.

“I’ll get the others.” Anabelle let out a sigh and walked out of the room.

As much as I would have loved to pull the sword free and figure out how to defeat the witch, I didn’t feel like I really deserved it. I wasn’t sure I could resist the temptation it would bring. The legends told of an unstoppable man who wielded a sword forged from pure magic. That much power would likely lead to me doing something stupid and having it once again sink into the stone. Even though I was no longer a beast, the years had done something to me. They had left me scarred with the things I had done to survive. Anabelle returned with the rest of the men and they each tried to pull Excalibur from the stone, but each of them were met with the same response I was. If the sword judged us, then none of us were found worthy of the power it held. Anabelle continued looking around the room, touching the various objects she saw. Her search in the library may have come to an end, but she was still looking for something that could defeat the witch.


p; “It may be time we face the reality of what is in front of us.” Boone stepped forward and put his hand on Anabelle’s shoulder. “We are trapped in this castle for eternity.”

“I just can’t accept that.” She shook her head angrily. “There has to be a way.”

“What if we cut your rose free and rooted it like the others?” Randall looked over at Arthur. “You’re a skilled fighter, and there are weapons in here that are a lot better than my bow. We might be able to get past the witches.”

“My rose cannot be severed from the vine.” Arthur shook his head back and forth. “I tried that when I wanted to die. The instant it hits the ground, it grows again.”

“Why are these mirrors not cracked?” Anabelle walked over to the wall where several round mirrors were hanging. “Every mirror in this castle is broken but these.”

“Those are Merlin’s mirrors.” Arthur walked over and tapped one of them. Instead of meeting the resistance of the surface, his finger dipped into it for a moment before he withdrew it.

“These are the ones he used to see into the past, present and future?” Anabelle looked at Arthur and then back at the wall.

“They are.” Arthur nodded. “But it would take a wizard of immense power to use them in that manner again. You can see the present, but looking into the past or the future requires much more than your touch. Even with Merlin’s vast power, he couldn’t see the horrific fate that would befall Camelot.”

“You can see the present? How?” Randall walked up to one of the mirrors.

“Think of the person you want to see and touch the mirror.” Arthur motioned to one of them.

“Okay.” Randall pushed his finger into the mirror’s surface and it sprang to life. “Oh my god—that’s my daughter.”

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