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Takedown Twenty (Stephanie Plum 20)

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At eleven o’clock I was feeling pretty good about how things were going. I’d weighed out deli meats, steaks, and a roasting chicken, and I hadn’t fainted or thrown up. I’d gagged a little when Mrs. Carlson came in and asked for chicken livers, but I don’t think she noticed. Not that this was a career position for me. I thought I’d stick with it long enough to be sure Randy Berger wasn’t the old lady killer, and then I’d try to get a job stuffing sanitary napkins into a box at the personal products plant.

The front door opened and I caught a glimpse of Joe’s Grandma Bella scuttling past the register and heading for the meat counter. I ducked behind the display case and told myself not to panic.

“Who’s here?” Bella shouted. “Who’s working here?”

Randy stuck his head around the corner from the back room and looked down at me cringing behind the case.


pped my pen,” I said.

“Who’s that?” Bella asked. “Who do I hear?”

I popped up. “Me. Can I help you?”

“You! What you doing here?”

“I’m working here,” I said.

“Then I never shop here.”

Randy rushed to the counter. “I have your special order,” he said to Bella. “It just came in. I sliced into the blood sausage this morning, and it’s the best I’ve ever seen. And the tongue is nice and fat.”

“I like fat tongue,” Bella said. “You give me good price?”

“Of course,” Randy said. He reached into the case and pushed the tongues around until he found one he liked. He held it out for Bella to see. “It’s a beauty,” he said. “What do you think?”

“I’ve seen better tongue,” Bella said. “But I guess this will have to do.”

“You’re a hard negotiator,” Randy said to Bella.

“You give me good price or I give you the eye,” Bella said. “And that one behind you I already give the eye. She going to hell.”

Randy weighed and wrapped the tongue and weighed and wrapped Bella’s sausage. “Anything else?”

“I get my discount?”

“It’ll show up at the register,” Randy said.

Bella left and I turned to Randy. “What discount?”

“The senior discount.”

“Bella is in the wellness program?”

“She’s a certified card-carrying participant. She comes in every other week for blood sausage and tongue.”

I did an inadvertent shiver. God knows what she did with the sausage and tongue. Probably ate it raw. Probably tossed it into her stewpot with beetle legs and rat tails and brewed up some evil concoction. Or she could be feeding it to Sunny.

“I thought you were almost engaged to her grandson,” Randy said. “Why did she give you the eye?”

“Uncle Sunny failed to appear for his court date, and I was given the unpopular job of capturing him and bringing him in.”

Randy nodded. “The Sunucchis and Morellis are a tight family.”

Ten minutes later Lula swung into the store and marched back to the meat counter.

“I can’t believe you abandoned us and now you’re working here,” she said. “I’m forced to be driving Vinnie around. My car’s gonna have a grease spot on the headrest. How am I ever gonna get that out?” She looked down at the case with the sausages and organ meats. “Holy cannoli, is that a tongue? That’s the biggest freaking tongue I ever saw. It’s like it’s all swelled up. I’m getting hot looking at it. Can you imagine what a tongue like that could do?”

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