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Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush 1)

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My heart skips a beat. I take a deep sip and look at him over the rim, allowing the pungent alcohol smell and taste to coat my throat. His words get to me, but I remember this is an illusion we give each other and nothing more. Still, I love that he wants me so bad. I love that he's willing to do whatever it takes to keep me. I love that we've yet to have sex and I've seduced him to his knees.

"Who else is here?" I ask casually. At least I tried to.

"A partner from my firm, a good friend of mine. He's the one who introduced me to Sanctuary Cove over the summer. When Christine kept telling me you were unavailable, I had him call soon after and try to schedule you. Imagine my shock when he books you on the same date I was told you had filled."

"You're slick," I say, and he puts his hands out, as if to say he’ll resort to any means necessary to get what he wants.

He's proud and I can't fault him for that. I stare at him for a moment, trying to decide which angle to go with his statement. He's aggravated that his friend got through and he didn't.

"So we're having a three-way," I state. Wouldn’t be my first time, but now it would be as Valentina.

"No, sweetheart, we're not," he says, and I frown and angle my head. "I'm going to watch you."

My lips part with a small gasp and his words heat the blood in my veins. My cheeks flame with want. I've never done that before, but the thought alone excites me.

"You're going to watch me fuck your friend?"

His eyes darken. James likes the idea. I just hope his friend is as attractive as James or otherwise it might be difficult for me to stay in the moment.

"Do you have a problem with that?" he asks, challenging me.

I shake my head. "You know I don't. So you're not going to touch me at all?"

"I didn't say that." He downs the rest of his drink and places it on the table. His gleaming wedding band catches my eye and I wonder why he wears it on appointments like this. "Come here."

My heart drops but I stand and take a few steps until I'm in front of him. Without waiting for him to tell me what he wants, I take the lead and climb onto his lap, pressing my body to his, kissing him hard. I knew James wouldn't be able to refuse me, and he doesn't. He fists my hair and grips my hips hard. I taste the expensive liquor on his tongue and suck his lips a little harder. His hips thrust, forcing me to grind into him.

This is exactly what I was trying to stay away from, this intensity between us, the way he holds me with fierce passion, how I moan into his mouth, how his touch paints my body with craving. How I can't seem to concentrate when I'm with him. I don't have to guess if James feels the same way. It's clear that he does.

He breaks our kiss, breathing hard into me. I'll have to tell Christine after this night that James can’t be my client ever again. I'll have to give up everything he's offering, but I'm okay with that.

"Why do you want me so bad?" I ask, short of breath.

"A few reasons. I think you're the type who needs a man to take the wheel and fuck you the right way. I can tell you think too much. Sex has always been an effort for you, and it's the one place it shouldn't be. Outside, on the streets, you're a woman with no filter who can hold herself up to anyone, which I fucking love, but in bed, I think you need someone to make you forget your name. I can do that. I want to be that man for you. Between the sheets, you should be saying, 'Yes, please, more, harder'—my fucking name and nothing else."

"Should I say, ’Yes, Daddy,’ too?" I ask innocently with doe eyes.

He barks out a laugh, throwing his head back, and I smile.

"See? This is why I want you. Little shit like that gets to me. You get to me, Val. You make me feel good."

I avert my gaze and look down. I'm feeling a little shy with the way he looks at me. All I did was act like myself, and he doesn't mind. Not even Daniel sees this side of me.

I hear the shower turn off and the nervousness is back. Leaning down, I place a gentle kiss just under his ear. His hand holds the back of my head as he sinks a little deeper into his chair. A door opens and his friend steps out of the bathroom.

"Thanks for getting me warmed up," I whisper. "Sometimes the vodka and Percs aren't enough. But you, James, will always be enough," I say, then turn around to sit on his lap, feeling his obvious erection against my ass.


I’m purposely swiveling my hips seductively slow on James’s lap. He grabs me, digging his fingers into my flesh and pushing me down hard on his cock. I sigh inwardly, my body already so hot with need. I know he said we aren't having sex—and I'm glad we're not—but I still want to make him feel good.

I take that back. It's not just about making him feel good. I want him to crave me. I want to seduce him until he's the one begging for me.

Really, I want to tease the fuck out of him. The thought of doing so fills me with adrenaline.

"So, this is the girl you've been raving about?" James’s friend says eagerly as he walks over to us with just a towel around his hips.

He's not unattractive, but he's definitely not the man behind me. I don't ask his name, it's irrelevant really, and I stand up to greet him.

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