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Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush 1)

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We both know that's bullshit. James is angry now, but so am I, because he's right and it sickens me. My eyes shift to the check, lingering, then back to him.

"James…" My voice cracks, and that's all the confirmation he needs.

He walks up to me and I can feel the tension radiating from his body onto mine. "Which room is yours? The last thing I want is to fuck you on my daughter's bed."


"Strip," James says, standing against my closed and locked bedroom door. His arms are crossed in front of his chest, the material of his shirt stretched tight around his biceps.

My chest is rising and falling rapidly with a million feelings. We both know I'm not shy about being naked, but I know in my gut that nothing good is going to come from this. And yet, here I am diving headfirst into the fire. It's the fact that I just made a willing deal with the Devil that bothers me. I'm fucking over my best friend for cash.

Correction. I'm fucking her dad for cash.

Reaching for the hem of my shirt, I pull it over my head and drop it to the floor, then I push my panties down and step out of them. His eyes blaze with need as he takes in my large breasts, and my nipples pucker in response.

"Take your hair down," he says, and I pull the rubber band free and drop it to the floor too. "Now, undress me," James orders, his voice low.

My heart pounds as I take two steps and he drops his arms to his sides, standing up straight. Cheeks flushed, my mind is racing with too many thoughts and I wish it would stop. His knuckles graze softly down the slope of my waist. My stomach dips and James hums his approval under his breath. I unbutton his shirt, pulling the material out of his dress pants and finishing off the buttons before I move on to his belt. There's an obvious bulge I can't ignore but want to touch. I think back to the first time I saw his cock and how big it was.

Tonight is going to hurt in more ways than one.

Unbuttoning his pants, I pull the zipper down as James’s fingers reach up to pinch my nipple crudely. I gasp, feeling pleasure spike through me. My face twists in shame as pleasure seeps out of me. God, I really am a whore. I lean into him, pressing my forehead against his shoulder, and take a couple of deep breaths.

"You like it," he says, and I nod. I love it.

He does it to both nipples and wetness seeps from my pussy. My trembling fingers finish with the zipper and I reach around to push his boxers and pants down, pressing soft kisses to his chest and neck.

"You want me, don't you?" he asks, his voice gruff, but it's more of a statement. "You want me to fuck you."

He steps out of his shoes and pants and I push his shirt off his shoulders.

"Look at me," he says, and I swallow hard. I'm apprehensive to look at him, but I do. Our eyes meet, and for a split second I'm lost in his gaze. "Shut your mind off and just focus on my touch."

"I don't know how," I whisper nervously.

Fuck. I don’t know how I'm going to do this. I know I think too much, and right now my thoughts are in overdrive because of what I've agreed to, to what I want, and to what I know will be the thing that ruins my friendship with Natalie.

James slips his hand between my thighs and inserts a finger. It slides right in with no issue because I'm already wet for him. A purr vibrates in the back of my throat. He strokes me a few good times and my lips part.

Barely moving his mouth, he says, "One thing you should know about me is that I love to eat pussy, another thing my wife hates. Get on the bed and pull your knees up." My jaw bobs and I'm stunned into place. "Now, Aubrey. Where are your belts?"

I blink, a little confused. I step over to my dresser and I reach inside to pull out a few belts, but something else strikes his fancy. He reaches into my drawer and pulls out a silk sash that goes to a robe I never use. He fingers the soft material, then gestures to the bed. Once I'm on my back, James climbs between my thighs and reaches above my head, tying my wrists together before securing them to the wrought iron headboard. Sitting on his knees, he yanks my hips down so that I'm stretched out with no room to move, then without wasting any more time, he lunges for my mouth and kisses me savagely. The silk digs into my wrists, silencing my mind. I moan into him, twirling my tongue around his, loving how he just takes my kiss without asking. Hiking my leg up, I wrap

it around his back and tug him to me, needing to feel more. He grabs my hip and squeezes me tightly, then he breaks the kiss and moves down my body until his mouth is fastened on my pussy.

"Oh, God," I moan. "James…"

His palms are on my nipples and he pinches them with no remorse while his tongue penetrates my pussy and his teeth move over my clit. The heels of my feet dig into the mattress and my back arches from the pleasure wracking my body. My fingers tighten around the silk belt. I'm hot everywhere, the blood in my veins sparking. I clench my eyes shut, focusing on the check now sitting in my nightstand, effectively killing my rising orgasm. I have to look at this as a job and nothing more.

Only it's not that easy when I actually like the guy, and because he wasn't kidding when he said he loves to eat pussy. James knows exactly how a woman likes her pussy licked, because he's doing everything, and I mean everything the right way. Wetness seeps down to my ass and my thighs clench around his head. Biting into my lip, I start counting sheep in my head to push down the still climbing orgasm.

"Come in my mouth," he says, his voice muffled. "I want to taste this sweet pussy again."

"No," I say, and my refusal only encourages him to ravage me.

Fighting it is getting harder and harder and little sounds escape my lips. I want to let go but I can't. James pulls back and I exhale a loud gush of air, my chest rising and falling fast. Our eyes lock and I know he can tell what I'm doing. His mouth is covered in my pleasure and it's even on his beard. My gaze drops to his erect cock and I swallow.

"Roll over onto your stomach," he says, his voice rough.

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