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Casual Affair

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He paused briefly to let her adjust to him.

“Hurry,” she urged.

“Oh, bloody hell,” he said when he was completely inside her. “It just keeps getting better.”

When he started moving, his drives were as forceful and fast as the first time, and she loved every second. The friction of their bodies was unlike anything she’d ever felt before, and to her surprise, she was being pretty vocal about her pleasure.

She panted and cried out with every thrust. Every pump.

“That’s right,” Zane said, pushing deeper, harder. “It’s never felt this way before, has it? Never felt this fucking good before.”

She usually didn’t go for dirty talk in the bedroom. Mainly because most men sucked at it. One guy had actually used the word “vagina” during sex, no joke. It’s like, crack a romance novel or two if you need pointers, moron.

“No,” she admitted between breaths, “it never has. Never this good.”

Zane didn’t need any pointers. His words, his tone, his commands, were all hitting right on the money. How a man could be so good at all facets of sex, she had no idea. She was in brand-new territory with this one.

“My God, woman.” He picked up his pace.

He suddenly pulled out of her and grasped her hips, flipping her over onto her stomach. She just went with it. The whole giving-up-control thing was shockingly liberating.

He lifted her up until she was on her hands and knees then entered her again. She cried out at how much deeper he got, amazed by how unbelievably good it felt.

He was yanking her to him as she pushed back to meet his movements. The sounds of their heavy breathing and the slapping of their sweat-slicked, naked skin was sending heat straight to her core. Her body pulled him even farther into her.

“Ah, Christ. You are so fucking wet. Yeah, sweetheart. Come on my cock. God, you feel so good.”

She was close. She began to pulse around him, squeezing tightly around his length.

“That’s it,” he growled. “Let go for me.”

He was slamming into her now, almost knocking the breath out of her. God, he was so deep, hitting places inside her that she didn’t even know existed.

“Right there, Zane. Oh, fuck, right there!”

Her orgasm hit her so damn hard she thought she might have even lost consciousness for a second in the whirlwind of bliss that washed over her.

He wasn’t far behind. One, two, three more wild thrusts and he was finishing, too.

Unreal. She felt like she had just run a marathon. Sex did not feel like that. What he had just done to her went far beyond the realm of normal sex. He may not be human.

But she most definitely was, because she was exhausted.

When he pulled out, her body was instantly drained of energy. She was still lying there in a state of well-ridden peace when he came back from disposing of the condom and climbed into bed beside her.

She knew she needed to leave. Staying at his place was a recipe for awkwardness when they both woke up in the morning. But lying in Zane’s bed, feeling his warm body next to hers—especially when he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his chest—felt too good. She would just rest for a few minutes, let her body recover a bit, and then she would leave.

Because she sure as hell didn’t want him to get the wrong idea about her, or them, or what this was.

Scratching an itch. Casual sex. That was all. Nothing more.

It couldn’t be.

No matter how warm and safe she felt in his arms…

Chapter Seven

“The bloody git wouldn’t know his own arsehole from a rat’s.”

“Uh-huh.” Zane had stopped listening after about the fifth word Mike Truman had uttered, but he just continued to ramble on and on. And on.

Mike was Peter’s cousin and was living in DC, doing his doctoral research in socioeconomics. Zane and Mike had known each other for years through Peter, so when Zane moved over here, he’d been glad for Mike’s company. Mike was great to grab a pint with and bitch about work troubles, which was exactly what they were doing now at one of their favorite pubs.

Mike huffed and took a long swig of his pint. “If the wanker actually had an original thought every once in a while, he might get some of his funding approved.”

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