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Casual Affair

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“Fair enough, I suppose,” she replied, throwing his words back at him. She hadn’t capitulated quite yet, but he didn’t need to know that.

She went along when he changed the subject.

“So, what made you become an interior decorator?”

“Designer,” she corrected automatically.

His expression turned quizzical. “Pardon?”

“Interior designer, not decorator,” she clarified. “What I do involves developing whole concepts for spaces. Creating a color scheme, determining the right energy flows. And in some cases, we even work hand in hand with the architects in the early stages when the property owners have specific ideas in mind. We do a lot more than just decorate. We design.”

He looked at her with something in his eyes—pride maybe? “My apologies,” he replied, his tone sincere. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

She waved him off. “You didn’t. Most people don’t understand the entire process, which is fine. I don’t mind correcting them.”

One side of his mouth quirked up in a half grin. “I’m sure you don’t. What made you decide on this career path?”

It was my only option after I allowed my dumbass ex-boyfriend to make decisions for me.

No. That was a lie. Evan may have closed one door, but eventually becoming an interior designer had been her plan all along. You couldn’t be a competitive runner forever.

Giving Evan any credit for her profession felt all kinds of wrong.

“I’ve always had a passion for the creative process,” she said. “I like being able to take something plain and forgettable and turn it into a work of art. Creating beauty from nothing. The sense of accomplishment you get when you see your completed project is…immensely satisfying.”

For a moment, she worried she had shared too much. But when she peeked up at him through her lashes and saw the upward curve of his lips, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“You chose well, then,” he said approvingly.

“What about you?” she asked, curious about his life and how he’d gotten here. “Why did you go into your field?”

He was quiet as he thought about his answer. The night breeze ruffled his hair as he contemplated the dark silent river curving next to the sidewalk, and her insides did a funny little twist.

“I guess for some of the same reasons you just mentioned,” he said. “I like the creative process. When I first started with Envision, I was a software designer. I was fascinated with computers as a kid and it just branched out from there. I enjoy the way programming exercises my mind, finding the answers in intricate algorithms, always seeking ways to improve the old. I like progress.”

His enthusiasm made her heart stutter. She could see why the man had gotten to where he was today. Intellectual go-getters were the millionaires and billionaires of today’s world. “Do you still work with software?”

He shook his head. “Not really. I’ll dabble a little, occasionally help the R and D department with a problem, but I like the business side of things, too. My current position gives me the opportunity to oversee multiple projects at once, not to mention research what some of our competitors are doing.”

“How long have you been in the U.S.?” she wondered.

“About a year now.”

She knew she should probably stop with the questions, but she just had to ask. “Will you have to go back to London at some point?” She wasn’t sure if she actually wanted to know the answer.

And she didn’t think the underlying intent of that question was lost on him.

He narrowed his eyes. “I’m returning shortly after the store launch. Haven’t I mentioned that?”

She gave an involuntary shake of her head while her heart climbed up her throat.

“Denise will take over when I leave,” he continued. “The CEO—Mike’s cousin, Peter—wanted me here to oversee the three branches, assess operations, and spearhead the retail opening. It was never going to be a permanent situation, though.” He went silent for a moment before adding in a softer voice, “There are things back in London that require my attention.”

“You mean with your position there?”

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