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Hold On to Me

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“When did you wake up?”

“About two hours later.”

“I was completely out. I didn’t hear you or Brooke at all,” she said, swaying to and from on her feet. “Kind of scary how deep I slept.”

Knowing John wasn’t going to cross the distance, she did.

Stopping just inches from him, she rose on her tiptoes and hovered in front of his mouth. Luckily he was leaning against the counter or she would never be able to reach him. “Morning,” a husky breath rolled off her lips, their eyes locking onto one another’s. Instead of pressing a kiss to his mouth, she moved to the right and kissed his cheek. She felt John clench his jaw under her kiss, so her lips lingered longer than normal.

John snaked an arm out and wrapped it around her. He pulled her to him then gripped her chin with his other hand and pulled her mouth to his. Looking her straight in the eyes, he kissed her mouth hard.

“Now, that’s how you say mornin’.” He winked.

All it took was a kiss. Every. Damn. Time.

An easy smile graced her face. “What did you make?”

“Bacon and eggs. I have coffee for you too. I wasn’t sure if Brooke could eat this stuff so I just gave her some of the baby food like yesterday.”

Alyssa’s heart softened at John’s thoughtfulness. “Only baby food for her now.”

“Grab a seat and I’ll get you a plate.”

“Here, let me help,” she said, reaching for the cabinet door.

“No, I got it. Get your ass in the chair.”

“John, I can help you.”

“Babe, I know you can, but it’s obvious you never get a break, so let me do this for you.”

A loud sigh escaped her lips. “Okay, bossy man.” Realizing what she said, her cheeks flamed as her eyes widened. The grin that lit up John’s face warmed her all over and caused her heart to beat hard. She’d never had anyone help her like this, and truthfully she didn’t know what to think of it.

“So,” he took a sip of his coffee, “Sundays you have off. Do you have any plans for the day?”

Alyssa gave him a droll stare. “No. I’ll do some things around the apartment, but if you mean go out, then no. I don’t have many friends right now.”

“Well, my brother and his girlfriend are in South Fork. My mom wants us all together for an early dinner since my drive back is a good few hours. I want you and Brooke to come with me.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

His jaw set tight. “And why not?”

“I just …” she sighed, and turned to look at him. His gaze pierced right through her. Easing into it, she said carefully, “John, you’ve been really sweet, and have gone out of your way to do so much for me, but I’m not part of your family. I can’t go to a family dinner.”

“You are part of my family, you and Brooke both. Don’t fight me on this. I don’t want to have to choose between you and them.”

Her shoulders dropped and she shook her head.

“You’re going with me.”

That perked her right up. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Alyssa, why do you have to be so thick headed? I want you and Brooke to be there, so does my mother. She said she misses Brooke. Plus, it was her idea. She wants you there, too.”


John reached for Alyssa and he kissed her. He didn’t know why, he just did. He needed to shut her up and the only way to shut up a girl who was pissed off was to kiss her senseless.

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