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Chasing Red (Chasing Red 1)

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What was she doing to me?

Resigned, I closed my eyes. An image flashed in my head of Red in that red lacy underwear as she jumped off the bridge with me.

And then Red without it…

I felt myself twitch.


This was pretty pathetic.

The cold shower didn’t help. I had three hours before my class started, so I pounded an hour on the treadmill and another on weights. By the time I drove to school, I felt a little more relaxed.

Music blasted from my earphones as I headed to class. I was a little early, but that was nothing new. I’d normally hang with the guys—have a few laughs, bullshit about sexual conquests, or rag one another about anything—but I wasn’t in the mood for that today.

Dumping my backpack on the classroom floor, I sprawled in my seat, pulling my hoodie over my face to cover my eyes and discourage anyone who wanted to chat.

Why was she avoiding me like I had leprosy? The last time I saw her was a few days before, after I told her I wouldn’t be able to pull away next time. It was the truth. I liked her.

I wanted her.

She was different. She did something to me. I hadn’t figured out yet what that was.

I’d like to think I knew all types of girls. Red appeared to be cool and collected, but I could feel her fire burning just below the surface. There had been a few moments when I’d pushed the right buttons so that her cool and collected exterior disappeared and that low-burning fire bloomed into a red blaze.

She was a hellcat, her eyes glinting with anticipation every time I threw a challenge at her. But she wouldn’t let herself give in, holding on to her control like a lifeline.

Life had dealt her a bad hand, made her homeless and broke. She’d put up layers to protect herself.

I wanted to be the one to peel those layers one by one and find the real woman beneath.

When I felt smooth hands pull my hoodie back, I opened my eyes.

“Hi, Caleb.”

Lily’s blue eyes blinked at me, her soft pink lips curving into a smile. She was gorgeous, no doubt. A lock of her silky blond hair fell on the side of her face. Any hot-blooded male would want to touch.

So what the hell did it say about me that I didn’t?

What the hell was wrong with me?

“Hey, Lil.”

She angled her head to the side, looking at me expectantly.

I waited a beat.

Another lock of hair fell and bounced next to the other one.

How the hell did she do that? Did she have magic powers to control all that hair?

Her irritated sigh was nearly inaudible as she finally flicked her hair over her shoulder, tucking it behind her ear. She was disappointed that I hadn’t done it for her, her eyes narrowing briefly at my face. Then she smiled sweetly again.

“Beatrice-Rose told me you attended the charity event with your mother last week. I’m sorry I missed you.”

I shrugged, gave her a smile. “There’s always next time.”

She chewed on her bottom lip, her pink tongue darting out to wet it. “Why don’t I make it up to you? Dinner?”

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