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Chasing Red (Chasing Red 1)

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He snickered. “We should watch scary movies together. Did you know that when you do exciting things together with someone, you associate that adrenaline feeling with that person? So…” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Scary movies are definitely a must on our to-do list.”

I tried to fight my smile and failed. “Our list?”

“Yup. I have a long, long list, so you better get ready. Have you seen Insidious? Or The Evil Dead?”

I shivered again. “No. I don’t think I want to talk about horror movies when it’s just us on the road. I feel like someone is hovering above your car, ready to pounce on us any minute.”

“I love your imagination—shit!”

Suddenly the car swerved to the right as a deer raced in front of us. I screamed in terror as the force threw my body against the window. I nearly banged my head.

Tires squealed against asphalt, the sound piercing my ears. The smell of burning rubber wafted into the car, choking me.

I heard Caleb let out a string of curses as the car groped for traction, careening on the rocks and dirt on the side of the road. Caleb’s eyes quickly darted at me, filled with dread. I felt the blood drain from my face.

That was when I realized we could die.

My palms became moist, and sweat popped on my forehead. I had felt this before, this feeling of impending doom. That something was out to get me, and no matter what I did, I was going to die.

I watched Caleb grip the steering wheel, the veins in his arms standing out as he tried to control the vehicle. It kept on going, skidding sideways. I barely registered the dirt and dust flying around us as the car shook and rattled on the uneven terrain.

The seat belt bit through my skin, jerking me back as the car braked to a complete stop. And then silence.

I was breathing through my mouth, panting like I’d just run a mile. My whole body felt cold, and I started shaking uncontrollably, my teeth chattering.

I heard a seat belt being unfastened, and suddenly Caleb was pulling me into his lap, burying his face in my hair. I heard his loud, uneven breathing, felt the pounding of his heart. He was hugging me so hard I could barely breathe.

I didn’t care. I needed his arms around me, needed to be assured we were both okay. My arms wrapped around him. His warmth was soothing, his so-familiar smell comforting.

“Baby, are you okay?” he whispered, his voice shaky. He straightened a little and pressed his cheek to the top of my head.

I nodded, unable to speak. He ran his fingers through my hair, an unconscious gesture that comforted both of us. I don’t know how long we held each other, but eventually our hearts slowed to their normal rhythm. The pounding in

my head dissipated, and my breathing returned to normal.

“You okay?” he repeated, rubbing my back.

I nodded. “Yes…Caleb, thank you,” I said, hugging him tighter. “You saved us both.”

He blew out a breath, relief evident in his eyes. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You didn’t hit your head or anything, did you?”

He gently returned me to my seat, his eyes scanning my face before moving down to my lower body, checking for signs of injury.

“I’m okay, Caleb. Are you?” I asked, giving him the same inspection.

His eyes were still glinting from the rush of adrenaline, but he looked unharmed. Thank God. If something bad happened to him… I took a deep breath and refused to think about it.

He tried a smile, but it was forced. “I think I just lost ten years of my life, but I’m good. Next time we visit, we’re definitely going to a hotel and staying the night.”

I agreed. Suddenly, I felt very weak and thirsty, my body slumping in my seat.

“Stay inside. I’m going to check the car, make sure the tires are okay,” he said.

I nodded, praying we weren’t going to be stranded in the middle of nowhere. I watched Caleb as he walked around the vehicle. He crouched to check the tires, disappearing from view. I felt the car rock as he opened the trunk. He returned a few minutes later, assuring me everything was okay and handing me a can of orange pop. He must have had some stored in the trunk. I smiled at him in gratitude.

After that, he drove at a slower speed, with both hands on the wheel this time. He was more alert, paying attention to the sides of the road.

When we reached Caleb’s building, I was exhausted and found myself leaning into him as we walked. The concierge greeted us as we passed. Caleb chatted with him for a moment before we made our way to the elevator. When the door opened and we stepped in, Caleb scooped me up in his arms. I yelped in surprise.

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