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Spitfire in Love (Chasing Red 3)

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Was I actually waiting for him to call?

And oh God. He smelled my butt burp. My loud butt burp.

I slapped my face with my hands, covering most of my mouth, and screamed. Torture. This felt like torture. And to think that I was fantasizing about him just a few minutes before he saw me in the hallway outside of the bathroom…or heard me inside the bathroom…


Why would he ask for my name? And my number? He couldn’t possibly be interested in me…right?

But the bigger question was why the hell did I give him both?

I thought of the way he’d asked for my name. Like a whisper. Like a secret he wanted to know. His voice held just a little hint of desperation.

Tell me.

Tell me your name. Please.

How could I have refused that?

I snapped my eyes shut. Why? Why did he want to know?

He had sounded so cocky by the time he’d asked for my number, so confident, so in charge. And why the hell not? He probably thought, This girl is easy.

Easy! Me? Easy? Ha! The thought made me itchy. I wanted to punch and kick something…preferably his gorgeous face.


That was his name. I heard her say it.

And there was my answer.

I could have refused that because he was making out—scratch that—giving the dirty salami to his girlfriend in the fuck bathroom just a few minutes before he’d asked for my number.

So he thought he could cheat behind his girlfriend’s back with me, did he?

I gritted my teeth. That made me angry. Cheaters were on my blacklist. My mother was one after all. She ran away with a vacuum salesman, leaving my dad to raise two kids by himself. Good riddance, if you asked me.

I glanced at my socks and noticed my big toe poking through a small hole. These were my favorite cat socks. One more thing to add to his growing list of offenses.

I was feeling anger, and that was fine, but there was something else too.


I leaned back, glaring up at the ceiling. A lot of idiots cheated on their partners. It wasn’t a surprise. So why was I disappointed that someone I had no idea even existed until today was a cheater?


I had never seen or heard of him before. Granted, it was a huge college, but someone as attractive as he is was bound to be one of the hot topics on campus. Also, I had taken more than a year off. Of course I wouldn’t be updated. Maybe he was a transfer student. Or a freshman. I shook my head at the absurdity of that. He wasn’t freshman material. He was huge. And tall.

I was taller than most people I know, but he was taller. That alone would’ve gotten my attention. It was like finding a beautiful pair of shoes in my size at the store. I was size eleven and stores almost never carried my size. So naturally I had to take a closer look. I had to check it out, touch it, try it on for size.

That was it! That was why I gave him my name and number. That was why I was disappointed. The shoes didn’t fit. Total huge disappointment.

Satisfied with my conclusion, I grabbed my phone and got out of the tub, ready to put it all behind me.

An image of him standing beside me, his head leaning closer to mine, his skin touching mine appeared in my mind.

My heart started to beat faster at the thought. Now I was angry not only at him, but also at myself for still thinking about him. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I refused to think about him for one more second, and if he disturbed my peace again, I would release the kraken.

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