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Spitfire in Love (Chasing Red 3)

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Her name tag said her name was Sue, Nursing Assistant. I wished she’d leave.

“204. Mr. White,” she said in a flirty tone. “Charming.” When I didn’t reply, she asked, “Did you have a good visit?”

I nodded at her and she seemed to get the idea I wasn’t interested in a conversation. She wished me a good day and strolled into the room where Kara was just as Amanda walked out.

Wait. Is Sue going to tell Kara I was hiding here?

How the hell would she know?

“Kara,” I heard Sue say. “The charge nurse wants us to move the equipment in room 201 to free up some space.”

“What? The equipment in there is heavy. Did she say why and where?”

“She’s expecting supplies to come in five minutes and we don’t have enough space in the supply room,” Sue answered. “You don’t need to move them to another room. Just push everything to the back.”

“I need to move them?”

“It’s time for my break. You good?”

There was a pause. “If you’re asking if I’m good if I break my back, Sue, then no. I’m not good. It’s a two-person job and you know it.”

“I’m not postponing my break to move that stupid equipment. I’ve worked enough today.”

“You sure did work enough today,” Kara said with sarcasm. “Are you tired from hiding in the bathroom when you hear the patients’ call bell?”

I heard a hmph, then Sue exited the room. Her eyes widened in embarrassment when she saw me.

“Good job,” I said.

She turned red and walked away in a hurry.

“You gotta be shitting me,” Kara exclaimed, her eyes wide with accusation and incredulity as she gawked at me. “Why are you here? Omigod are you stalking me? Is this what’s happening now?”

I could see why she would think that.

I held my hands up. “No. I was visiting Jack, room 204.”

She had a pen tucked behind her ear and her glasses on. The ones with the big round frames. Cute.

“Liar! This is my place of work and—”

“Still here?”

We both turned at the voice. It was Jack. He was in a wheelchair and a nurse was pushing his chair toward the elevator.

“Go home, Cam,” Jack said before disappearing inside the elevator.

When they were gone, I turned to Kara expectantly, but she was already walking away. I chuckled and followed her.

“Aren’t you going to say sorry?” I asked.

Her sneakers made a squeaking noise on the floor. One of them was untied.

“You’re the one who invaded my territory, genius.”

“I’m not leaving until you do.”

She glared at me over her shoulder. “Well, the hospital is open twenty-four hours.”

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