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History Is All You Left Me

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Saturday, October 31st, 2015

“It’s crazy how one year ago today, you were helping me out with the essay that got me here,” Theo says, already dressed for Halloween minus the Wolverine claws he’s pulling on this second. “Everything can change overnight.”

“I wouldn’t call a year overnight, but yeah. You being out there is my fault,” I say, putting Han Solo’s pistol to my head. “I should’ve let you submit your first essay.”

“I probably would’ve still gotten in,” Theo says.

I frown at the screen. “I don’t remember that arrogance last year when we missed the party. College going to your head?” I’m joking. At least I think I am.

“Like I said, everything can change overnight. Anyway, sorry that today is a bit of a drive-by Skype hang-out. The party is off-campus, but I hear the Jell-O shots will give me whiplash.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“We’ll see.”

I feel like he’s choosing Jell-O over me, but I let it go because I know he’s choosing socializing and fun for his sanity. There are only so many times someone can talk to his ex-boyfriend slash best friend via Skype and not want more. I always forget all about more in these moments, but it’s possible it’s not enough for him.

“It’s all good,” I say. “I have to run out and see Wade soon anyway. Have you spoken to him recently?”

Theo’s eyebrows meet. “It’s been a couple of days since I texted with Wade, but I haven’t heard back.”

“I’ll tell him to hit you back today.”

Theo flexes his hand and his plastic claws—six total—look kick-ass. “Don’t worry about it, Han.” He winks. The door knocks and he hops up. “And there goes Manuel without his damn key again. One sec.” Theo gets up and shouts as he gets closer to the door. “You shouldn’t dress down as Tarzan if it means you won’t have a pocket for your—Oh. Hey.”

“Surprise!” I don’t know this voice, and I’m not sure Theo does either.

“Hey,” Theo greets.

“Yellow is a good look on you,” the guy says. “And it’s an even better fit.”

Theo doesn’t respond.

“Is this a bad time?”

I’m overhearing something I feel isn’t my business, but I’m not logging out.

“No, I’m on a Skype hang-out. I just got to say bye to my friend. Wait out here a minute?”

Theo closes the door and returns, blushing. “Sorry, that’s my friend Jackson. He’s my ride tonight. I should head out.”


“You still going to be around tomorrow for a chat?”


“Okay, Griffin. Be safe out there. May the Force be with you.”

“You too, Theo. Good night.” I don’t remind him that Han Solo didn’t believe in the Force, at least not at first. He clenches his fist and throws on a smile I’m not really buying before logging out.

I sort of don’t want to go out anymore.

I can’t get it out of my head that Theo called it a Skype hang-out and not a Skype date. Or that I was just his “friend” and nothing more.

Saturday, November 7th, 2015

Another Saturday, another Skype call. Theo is telling me all about this pinball arcade he visited last night with Manuel—along with that Jackson guy from Halloween and a couple of other freshmen. I don’t think I should be reading between the lines here because all I can make out is a warning for me to brace myself. I’ve known Theo for years; I can tell when he’s about to lead into a big speech about some change. And I don’t get the feeling it’s going to be as good as when he grabbed my hand on the train and told me his feelings for me.

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