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Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)

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“I’m going, angel,” I whisper. “I love you.”

She smiles sleepily with her eyes closed. “I love you, too.” She wraps her arms around me.

I hold her tight, and with one last look at my love, I kiss her cheek and leave her in peace.

I’ve got a mountain of shit to sort out today.

First on my hit list: Alexander fucking York.

* * *

I walk into the restaurant right at seven and take a seat at our table. The boys aren’t here yet so I order our coffees and regular meals. I’m on high alert, as if on a drug that makes me super aware of everything and everyone around me. The adrenaline in my system is at an all-time high, making my leg bounce under the table uncontrollably.

Have you ever fucked a guy?

I get a vision of Charlotte’s face if a story ever came out saying I fucked a man. Her family…

“Hey,” Masters says, falling into his seat beside me.

“Hi.” I force a smile. “How’s Bree?”

“Good, good. I saw you all over the tabloids. Dirty bastards.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t remind me.”

Seb comes into view and waves merrily.

“What’s he so fucking chirpy about?” I sigh.

Masters chuckles as he watches our friend bounce in.

Seb falls into the seat. “Hello.”

“What are you so happy about?” I ask him.

He grins and places his napkin on my lap. “Oh, I don’t know.” He raises his brow.

“Maybe because I spent the weekend in bed with Angela.”

I look at him, deadpan. “Tell me you’re joking…”


Masters pinches the bridge of his nose. “Jesus Fucking Christ.”

“You fucked your ex-wife’s sister?” I frown.

Seb winks. “Every which way I could.”

I drag my hand down my face. “Are you fucking crazy? You know she’s going to go postal and take you to the cleaners.” I put my hand up for more coffee. “You can say goodbye to Bentley. Should I make this a scotch breakfast again?”

“She’s already taken me to the cleaners, and besides,“ Seb smirks, “it was well worth it. I’ve always had a thing for Angela. Felt good to finally fuck it out.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh God, do not fall for Angela.” I point at him. “I’m warning you.”

“I’m not falling for her, just having some fun. But I can confirm that my suspicions were right and she’s a lot better in bed than her witch of a sister.” He smiles, obviously very happy with himself. “Anyway, what happened with you yesterday?” His eyes widen. “That’s right, your weekend in Santorini. How was it?”

“Perfect.” I sigh. “Should have stayed there.”

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