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Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)

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Working, laughing, and being asked out every hour at work by gorgeous men have all made me happy—the happiest I’ve been in a long time.

And this isn’t even my life.

It’s one big fat lie.

I roll over and punch my pillow in disgust. Who am I kidding? Most people on the planet would give their right arm to have what I’ve been born into and the privileged life that I live.

I’m being ungrateful, I know I am. I mean, I do appreciate everything that I have.

I stare into the darkness as a tear rolls down my face and onto my pillow.

I feel so lost.

Maybe there’s something wrong with me? Maybe I need to go back to my grief counsellor?

Yes…that’s probably it. I’ll call and make an appointment tomorrow. I haven’t been for over a year now.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to stare at my reflection in the mirror.

Big blue eyes and pale skin stare back at me. My blonde hair is in a high messy bun, and I’m wearing odd pyjamas. There’s nothing special about me. I’m just a normal girl who happens to have four-billion dollars in the bank.

I storm back to bed and pull the covers over me to stare up at the ceiling again.

I’m lonely as hell.

* * *

My email pings. Spencer Jones again.

I smirk and look around guilty. It’s 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon, and I hate to admit it, but I’ve checked my emails every half an hour today.

I don’t want him to email me, but then I kind of do.

Dear Lottie

I am so sorry to hear that you’ve had a terrible accident and broken all of your fingers and are unable to email me back.

I smirk.

I shall however, as usual, pick up your slack and continue with my reasons as to why you should have dinner with me.

11 – I am a specialist in broken finger first aid.

I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. He’s an idiot.

12 – I don’t have a YouPorn profile.

I frown. What does that mean?

13 – I have nice feet

14 – I can fold a fitted sheet.

15 – I have huge muscles.

I roll my lips to hide my goofy smile, why does he have to be all cute and adorable?

16 – I read ten books a week.

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