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Our Way

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“Playing with my favorite new toy.” His tongue runs over his bottom lip as he slides two fingers deep inside me. I moan softly as my back arches from the bed.

He seems different today—more like the Nathan I know. “So, I’m your toy now?” I ask.

He nods slowly, his eyes alight with mischief. “Fuck toy.”

I giggle, shocked. “Fuck toy?”

He bends and takes my nipple into his mouth. “Uh-huh.”

“But you didn’t fuck me.”

He bites my nipple hard, and I wince as I buck him off. “Ouch.”

He rolls on top of me and holds my hands above my head. “Rest assured, my Eliza, when I do fuck you—and I will—it will be an all-day affair.” He grinds his hips against mine.

Arousal heats my blood as we stare at each other …all day. Jeez.

Can he really fuck all day? Wouldn’t surprise me. If dicks did sport, I’m positive his would be an elite athlete.

He puts his mouth to my ear and whispers. “So, here’s what we’re going to do today, my beautiful girl. We’re going to get up and we’re going to go catch our flight, and while you sleep on the plane…”

I smile. “Yes?”

“I’m going to pretend to read my book while I think of all the ways I’m going to fuck you in Majorca.”

My eyes widen as I listen. “I thought you wanted to wait.”

His cock slides through the open lips of my sex, and I shiver. “I just didn’t want to break you before we got there.” His tongue slowly slides over his big lips. “You won’t be able to walk for a week when I’m done with you, Eliza.”

We stare at each other. His eyes are dark, and nerves sweep through me. The thing is, he’s serious. He says it casually, as if it was a joke, but I know that it’s a warning to prepare myself for him.

Nathan Mercer is as intense in the bedroom as he is in life.

And that’s hardcore.

I only hope I can handle him. I know I desperately want to.

I feel his hard length up against my stomach and butterflies dance in my stomach.

Not walking may be in my very near future.

I smile to myself, lucky I’m not getting off a deckchair on the beach for the entire trip then, isn’t it?

Oh God, I’m so excited…..bring it on.

An hour later, we’re wheeling our suitcases across the parking lot at the airport when Nathan takes my hand to cross the road. He watches the oncoming traffic and pulls me along when the time is right.

I frown as we walk along, this is so familiar and nothing new, Nathan has grabbed my hand crossing every street for ten years and yet, today, it feels substantial—so much more than the simple gesture it is.

Our car trip was made in relative silence, and I know it’s just because the goalposts between us have been moved. He’s normally lecturing me on something or I am rambling on about a random subject. Everything seems so different now.

But maybe I’m imagining the differences because I feel so different inside.

It’s like he’s woken someone up inside of me that I didn’t know existed, and I’m dying to let her out.

We arrive at the check-in counter. “Hello,” Nathan says to the ticket lady.

She’s blonde and beautiful, and her eyes drink him in as she looks him up and down. “Hi.” She smiles. “How can I help you?”

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