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Griffin Stone:Duke Of Decadence

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Women had been known to swoon at Christian. Sensible women, matronly women, as well as the twittering debutantes who appeared in society every Season.

And Bea, Griffin noted somewhat sourly, had been unable to take her eyes off the man since he’d appeared in the doorway!

Was that jealousy Griffin felt towards his friend’s easy charm and good looks?


And yet those feelings of bad humour persisted as he finished the introduction. ‘Christian, this is my goddaughter, Beatrix.’

Bea offered Christian a shy smile. ‘I prefer to be called Bea, Your Grace,’ she invited huskily.

‘I am pleased to meet you, Bea.’ Christian nodded before turning to look at Griffin with narrowed, mocking eyes. ‘Your goddaughter, Griff? Was that the best you could come up with?’

Griffin scowled darkly. ‘The situation is not what you have assumed it to be.’

‘Maystone has made me fully aware of what the situation is, Griff,’ Christian assured him as he strolled further into the room to take Bea’s hand in his before raising it to his lips. ‘I trust you are now recovered somewhat from your unpleasant ordeal?’

Griffin’s mouth tightened as he realised that Christian did indeed know exactly how Bea had come to be a guest at Stonehurst Park. Just as he could see, by the sudden wariness in Bea’s expression, she was also aware of Sutherland’s insight into the reason for her presence here.

‘Maystone sent you?’ Griffin queried abruptly.

Christian finally released Bea’s hand as he turned to Griffin.

‘Maystone is also on his way here. By carriage. I was able to travel faster on horseback.’

Griffin had not expected his letter of query to Maystone to have elicited quite such a reaction as this. It did not bode well regarding the outcome of that query.

‘I am to assist in protecting your...goddaughter until Maystone arrives and explains all,’ Christian added grimly.

Bea was uncomfortable at learning that the Duke of Sutherland seemed aware of the details of her current situation. Most especially so because she had never heard of the gentleman until his arrival a few minutes ago. ‘Griffin?’ she asked uncertainly.

Griffin moved to stand at her side. ‘Christian is a trusted friend, Bea,’ he assured her gruffly.

That might well be true. But was it not humiliating enough that Griffin knew of her circumstances, without the charmingly handsome Duke of Sutherland being aware of them too?

She turned to look at the man now. ‘Do you know my true identity, sir?’

‘I do,’ he confirmed abruptly.

‘And?’ she prompted as he added nothing to that statement.

He winced. ‘I have been instructed not to discuss the matter until Lord Maystone arrives.’

Bea stared at him incredulously. ‘That is utterly ridiculous. Surely I have a right to know who I am? Why those things were done to me?’ Two bright spots of angry colour burned in her cheeks as she glared at Christian Seaton.

‘You have every right, yes.’ He sighed. ‘Unfortunately, I am not presently at liberty to discuss it.’

‘Griffin?’ Bea turned her angry gaze on him.

Griffin was as much at a loss as Bea. Except to know that Christian’s silence on the subject, his added protection, implied Bea’s situation was even graver than he had anticipated it might be. ‘I believe that, for the moment, Bea, we will have to accept Sutherland’s reticence on the subject.’ His gaze remained on Christian as he answered Bea, knowing by the other man’s expression that he was not remaining silent out of playfulness but necessity.

‘By “we” I am to presume you mean me.’ She glared. ‘For no doubt the two of you will discuss the matter at your earliest convenience!’

Griffin winced. ‘Perhaps it is time you returned to bed, Bea?’

‘I shall do no such thing!’ she said angrily. ‘I am not a child to be ordered to my room. This man—this Duke—knows exactly who I am, and yet says he is not at liberty to reveal it. And you agree with him!’ She glared at Griffin incredulously.

As Bea had no knowledge of the work he and Christian had been involved in for the Crown for so many years, she could not possibly understand the need there often was for secrecy, even from each other. ‘Christian must have his reasons.’

‘None that are acceptable to me, I assure you!’ She was breathing hard in her agitation, and with each breath Griffin was able to make out the hard, aroused pebbles of her nipples against her robe.

Which meant that Christian must be able to see that delectable display too.

Griffin’s jaw tightened. ‘I really think it best if you return to your bedchamber now, Bea.’

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