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To Marry McAllister

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‘Right.’ She nodded her satisfaction. ‘Then my answer to your previous statement is yes,’ she breathed ecstatically as she moved confidently into his arms, her head nestling against the warm strength of his shoulder.

Brice looked down at her quizzically. ‘Yes, I love you? Or yes, I want to marry you?’

‘Yes—I love you. And yes—I’ll marry you,’ she answered without hesitation, that love glowing in her eyes as she looked up at him unblinkingly.

He groaned, briefly closing his eyes. ‘I’m not sure I can believe this,’ he admitted huskily.

She smiled at him—she could hardly believe it herself! But it was true, she and Brice loved each other, were going to marry each other. ‘I’m sure we can find a way to convince you,’ she murmured throatily.

He raised teasing brows. ‘Are you making an improper suggestion, Miss Smith?’ He feigned shock.

‘I am, Mr McAllister,’ she confirmed without hesitation.

Brice’s arms closed possessively about her as he swept her up, his mouth forcefully claiming hers.

But Sabina didn’t doubt that it was with love, caring, desire, all the things there should be between two people who loved each other and wanted to be together for the rest of their lives…


‘I HAVE to say, Logan, that I think Aunt Meg is taking all of this rather well,’ Brice drawled in amusement before taking a sip from his champagne glass.

The two men turned to look at Logan’s mother, the actress Margaret Fraser, as she stood across the room talking to Logan’s wife, Darcy, the two of them cooing over the baby boy Darcy cradled so lovingly in her arms.

Brice nodded. ‘I thought it was bad enough when you and Darcy made Aunt Meg a grandmother, but now she has a stepmother who’s only ten years older than she is!’ He turned to look across the room to where their grandfather, newly married, was standing beside his bride greeting their guests as they arrived at the wedding reception.

Joan looked absolutely lovely in her cream satin suit, but it was to the beautiful young woman who stood at her other side, Joan’s maid of honour, that Brice’s gaze strayed instinctively. And stopped.


His own wife.

Of two weeks, four days, and—he glanced at his wrist-watch—three hours.

And they had been the happiest two weeks, four days and three hours, that Brice had ever known.

The dazzling smile Sabina gave him as she caught and held his gaze told him she had read his thoughts—and that she felt exactly the same way about him!

There were no longer any shadows in Sabina’s eyes, only the love and happiness that was the centre of their lives together. Brice intended seeing that it remained that way.

Although it wasn’t something he ever intended discussing with Sabina—for obvious reasons—he had dealt with Richard Latham in his own way, the older man left in no doubt, after their brief meeting six weeks ago, of just how rapid—and official—Brice’s reaction would be if he ever threatened or came near Sabina again.

‘And what are you two talking about so cosily?’ Fergus drawled as he strolled over to join them, a glass of champagne in his own hand.

Logan grinned. ‘How different our lives all are from eighteen months ago,’ he murmured ruefully. ‘For the better, I might add,’ he said firmly.

Fergus gave a leisurely glance around the room, nodding his own satisfaction. ‘Logan’s mother, Aunt Meg, married to Darcy’s father, Daniel. Logan and Darcy married with an endearing son of their own. Chloe and I married for almost a year now, and our own baby due in three months. Even Grandfather surprising us all by finding happiness with Sabina’s mother. And as for this sly devil…!’ He slapped Brice on the back with cousinly affection. ‘I’m still not sure how you talked that beautiful woman into marrying you!’ He shook his head with mock incredulity after glancing at Sabina in her sky-blue dress.

‘Charm and good looks,’ Brice returned mockingly.

‘Oh, yes?’ Logan gave him a sceptical glance.

Brice grinned. ‘I’ve been assured it runs in the family!’

‘By whom?’ Fergus taunted.

‘Grandfather,’ Brice answered with satisfaction.

‘Oh, well,’ Logan drawled, ‘if Grandfather said so…!’ He glanced over to where their grandfather was smiling down at his new wife, his expression softening with the affection they all felt for the patriarch of their rapidly growing family. ‘It’s good to see him so happy again, isn’t it…?’



Fergus and Brice both answered at the same time, the three men smiling at each other with family satisfaction.

‘Well, you three are all looking very pleased with yourselves.’ Chloe, Fergus’s wife, looked at them enquiringly as she moved to stand beside her husband.

‘Very,’ Darcy added questioningly as she joined them, releasing the baby into Logan’s arms as he struggled to go to his father.

‘And why shouldn’t they?’ Sabina murmured huskily as she linked her arms with Chloe’s and Darcy’s. ‘They’re married to the three of us!’ she added with a mischievous grin that encompassed all of them.

Brice glowed with love and pride as he looked at her, that love becoming almost overwhelming as his gaze included all his family.

The McDonald clan was complete!

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