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Lone Star Baby Scandal (Texas Cattleman's Club: Blackmail 7)

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She blinked. More than once. “How did you know about the hay?”

“Your mom. She called. We talked. She was afraid I had found out about this situation and rejected you because of it. She wanted to make sure I had all the facts. I assured her that was absolutely not the case. I’m in love with you, Sophie. I hope you will believe that. You could never do anything to drive me away.”

Then Clay dropped to one knee in front of her, his big hands holding hers. “Marry me, Sophie Prescott. If you love me after all I’ve put you through then marry me. Don’t make me go another day without you.”

The joy she felt could match none other on earth as she bounded into his arms, knocking them both to the ground. Laughing, Clay kissed her lovingly and deeply before helping Sophie to her feet and showing concern that she was okay.

Her mother and dad and Susan were waiting just inside the door when the couple walked back to the farmhouse and up the steps.

“I take it congratulations are in order.” Her dad beamed and shook Clay’s hand. “Welcome to the family. And thank you, Clay.”

“Dad, what are you thanking him for?” Sophie laughed. “Surely I’m not that hard to give away.”

“No,” her father replied, moisture forming in his own eyes. “I’ll let Clay tell you. It’s his place to do so. But let me just say it’s thanks to him I can look forward to walking my youngest daughter down the aisle.”

Clay shrugged. “I just contacted a couple of specialists I know. They arranged the transfer. Luck did the rest.”

It didn’t take Sophie half a second to realize she owed her father’s life to Clay. He had taken the time and gone to the effort to arrange everything. Her dad’s new heart was thanks to him. Tears misted her eyes as the reality hit home.

“If you’re ready,” Clay said to Sophie, “we need to be headed out. There are some vital things I need to address on the flight home.”

After hugs and congratulations all around, Sophie excused herself and entered the bedroom she’d been sharing with her sister. Pulling a small suitcase down from a high shelf in the closet, she set about packing the few things she would need until she could go shopping. Her mother joined her with Susan right behind. Together the three of them, with hugs and laughter, filled more than one suitcase.

Clay scooped up the bags and after saying good-bye to her family, he walked toward the chopper, Sophie at his side. Clay helped her inside and got in behind the controls. He circled the small house once before taking off toward Indianapolis International Airport.

“So,” she said, her hand in his, the brilliant four-carat engagement ring glistening in the evening sunlight. “What’s so important that you just have to get to Indianapolis?”

“The 747 is waiting there. No way can I wait to get you home before I make love to you again. If I recall, you may have changed your mind about flying.”

Sophie grinned.

“I feel the need to reinforce that newly found love,” he said, squeezing her hand. “All the way to Texas.”


The wedding took place a week later with an impatient Clay still suggesting they elope to Vegas. But Sophie wanted the memory of her wedding day with her family and friends around her. And she insisted on being married in Royal, Texas.

While Clay wanted to give her the moon—anything she wanted for their special day, as well as the rest of their lives—in the end she kept it simple. A country wedding on the ranch in a small chapel that had been constructed on a rise looking out over the land they both loved so much. Clay looked extraordinarily handsome in his tux—complete with Western boots and Stetson—as he dismounted the black stallion and waited for his bride to walk down the aisle on her dad’s arm.

Arriving in Clay’s grandmother’s carriage, laced with ribbons of blue and gold and pulled by two white horses, Sophie couldn’t take her eyes off the man of her dreams, her cowboy love forever and always.

It was a day of love and laughter and best wishes for the future.

And many more flights on Clay’s 747.

As she walked toward her future husband, she smiled at the memory.

“Where are we going next?” Clay whispered, his green eyes twinkling as though he knew exactly what she was thinking. And he did.

“Does it matter?” she asked and grinned.

Solemnly he slowly shook his head, his eyes holding hers.

It didn’t matter at all.

* * * * *

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