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Love in Chaos (Curvy Women Wanted)

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He cupped her ass. “You’ve been able to keep yourself well-fed. Do you have any idea how many times I fantasized about these curves?”

“I’m going to assume often.” She slid her hands up his chest, wrapping them around his neck. “And I rather like that.” She pulled him down close, kissing him. “I survived because I studied a lot. I knew what plants would help me to survive, and I got lucky. I stayed in one place long enough and even with the world ending, I knew potato chips are not a healthy snack.” She pressed her head to his. “You’re going to find somewhere. I know you are.”

She kissed him again and pulled away.

He watched her go.

Her complete and total faith in him startled him. Clayton didn’t know what he’d done to deserve so much trust, but he was going to do all that he could to make sure she was right.

Heading back to the camp, he rounded everyone up. Their supplies were dwindling, so he’d have to make a decision soon.

He nodded for Lee to come to him.

“What’s up, boss?” she asked.

In recent weeks, Lee had gotten close to Maggie. His woman had proven herself and her ink to everyone. She pulled her weight, even when he didn’t want her to. Now that she was pregnant, he didn’t know how he was going to be able to cope with her doing anything.

“I need you to keep an extra eye on Maggie.”

Lee looked to where Maggie was preparing to leave, fitting a bag onto her back. He noticed she was having to adjust the straps to make it fit around her waist.

“Why? Is everything okay?”

“I think she’s pregnant.”

Lee gaped. “Does she even suspect anything?”

“No. I don’t even think she’s figured out how long she’s been with us.”

“Your girl’s not stupid or anything, is she? It’s not like she thinks you have to be married or anything to have a child.”

He glared at her.

Lee held up her hands. “Okay, okay, fine, but you’ve got to wonder why she hasn’t said anything if she hasn’t had her cycle.”

“I imagine it’s down to the time. She doesn’t think about it. She’s just moving forward like everyone else.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her, but we’re going to need a pregnancy test to figure this out. Fuck.”

“What?” Clayton asked.

Lee pressed her lips together.

“Just tell me.”

“Some … women die in pregnancy. They died when the world wasn’t fucking backward. Look around, Clayton. No doctors. No medicine. Only what we find. What if she needs a C-section? What if she needs blood? We have no way of testing that shit. We’re just back to the old ways of fucking hoping.” Lee shook her head and then hit him in the arm. “Couldn’t you have bagged that shit up?”

“Don’t alarm her.” He’d be going fucking crazy for the both of them.

Lee glared at him some more before heading over to where Maggie was already waiting. His woman had pulled her long blonde locks into a bun at the back of her head. She was so beautiful. He’d always found her striking, but the last few years, she’d gotten even more so. The ache he had was to keep her all to himself.

Clayton would do everything he could to keep her safe.

Now, he just needed to figure out how to tell her she was pregnant.

Chapter Six

Another town with even fewer supplies than the last, but Maggie saw this one a hell of a lot differently.

Leaving the group, she made her way around the back of one of the houses and came to a stop. Someone had turned their entire yard into a vegetable and fruit patch. It was getting colder, so some of the produce wasn’t edible.

At a large string of peas, she picked a couple and opened them up to see perfect green peas. Smiling, she put them in her mouth.

Tucking her hair behind her ear, she spotted what looked like a potato leaf. It wasn’t in the best condition as she pulled it, but beneath the surface were fresh potatoes.

“Clayton!” She screamed his name.

This was more than any other place. They had fresh produce. There were times throughout history people that were able to store and preserve this stuff.

Clayton arrived with his gun drawn, ready to start shooting. She frowned and realized she’d screamed his name.

“I’m so sorry. I was excited, and look.” She rushed over to him, grabbing his arm and pulling out some peas and feeding them to him. Next, she crouched down and began to uncover the potatoes.

“Why the hell did you think to leave the group, Maggie?” he asked.

“Don’t be pissed at me.”

“I need to be pissed at you.”

“Fine. Whatever. Be pissed, but at least look!” She pointed down at the fresh food. “This ground is fertile. It could mean that most of the grounds around here are fertile. We could settle here.”

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